Here are a few examples:
Have been hollered at in public easily 100 times in two days. Country folk are far more polite than city folk. And only a quarter of that harrassment was when I was dressed like a hooker...for the rest, I was wearing a sweater and jeans! Must be spring fever.
I have realized that it takes a minimum of two beers for me to start being nice to people I think are stupid. Case in point: my friends new girl friend. Whoa.
"Well just put it under the tree and let nature take it's course".
All I could think was: What a cop out. Nature didn't take it's course when some asshole didn't brake. As if you should let it suffer just because you're squeamish - how fucking selfish.
Are these rural highschool girls getting cuter, or am I just getting pervy-er? Deep thoughts, my friends. Deep thoughts.
Sophie's new set is distracting me from my work like the dickens. And that's just the two pics with the title. I can't wait to seeeeee ALL of it! :drool: