Recent changes in your social scene have stirred up some confusing feelings -- and more than a few suspicions. Do you feel like someone is holding you back? Another friend may have the same thing in mind; drop a few subtle hints here and there to see if they feel the same way. Keep in mind that friends should be a support network -- and should never judge you. If you don't feel like that's what you're getting, then you should evaluate other options.
That's what I've BEEN doing for months it feels like. I totally agree. The keepers are the ones who've been there for me, but let me get through my own struggles without judging me, telling me 'I'm not who they thought I was' like the others.
I don't feel held back by anyone in my life anymore; there's the GREAT news!
Confusing feelings, yep. Being social is complicated. I will probly end up a hermit in a cabin out in the desert and be happy chasing off the darn kids that ride through on their dirt bikes.
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That's what I've BEEN doing for months it feels like. I totally agree. The keepers are the ones who've been there for me, but let me get through my own struggles without judging me, telling me 'I'm not who they thought I was' like the others.
I don't feel held back by anyone in my life anymore; there's the GREAT news!
Confusing feelings, yep. Being social is complicated. I will probly end up a hermit in a cabin out in the desert and be happy chasing off the darn kids that ride through on their dirt bikes.
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