my new tattoos are the words hare krishna on one and hare rama on the other. they both have water crystals from the book "the hidden messages of water" excellent freaking book!!! anywho. i was going to originally get compassion and gratitude written around my wrists and all this nonsense with my husband happened. we were on the verge of getting a divorce. so last tuesday night i was in the middle of my living room floor, in the center of the chinese zodiac rug with his tibetan quartz and my lemurian seed crystal in front of me. i thought for some reason if i sang to krishna and rama and hanuman i would be able to manifest my husband back into my life. im definitely an optimist. so i put my krishna das cd on and started rocking out chanting super loud, eyes closed the whole time, sitting on my knees, hands in prayer position. mind you (mindu haha) i had this whole experience through my third eye. so the second song comes on, by this time my feet are starting to tingle from lack of blood flow but i knew i must continue on. i must keep chanting, it wont be that bad when im done. i knew this second song is like fifteen minutes long so i just got up there in my third eye and started singing. this was after i sang to hanuman and felt my heart warming up and opening...ok, so i start singing and say that god can use my body to channel and sing. (yknow, sometimes im sure theres things we all do s/he wants to do through us???) so im singing loud, hands in prayer position blah blah blah and i had this feeling i canNOT take my hands apart. then im lifting them over my head..doing the one shoulder to the other thing and all of a sudden i get this feeling that krishna is standing in front of me. he was soooooooo big!!! he was standing on the ground but we are on the second story. i subconsciously raised my head to look up at him. soooo tall he is!!! he put his thumb on my third eye and told me everything would be ok. i have love inside me. my eyes started watering. he put his hand on my head on my crown and told me it would be ok. i felt so good at that moment. a wave of calmness, love, everything swept over me. i continued chanting smiling looking up at krishna. when the song ended i went to get up and couldnt feel my legs i couldnt feel them for like twenty minutes. it felt good though. to feel the blood slowly making its way back to your legs. the tingling and such. i just couldnt stop laughing. it was so funny and i was so happy and filled. i finally get up and draw the hare krishna chant around my wrists. i call my best friend clytie and she thought i was on something. i kept talking about krishna. i think i really weirded her out!! hahahah. the next day i called my husband at work and asked him to hang out. i told him a bit about my story with krishna knowing he would be the one of anyone i know to understand. that night he came over we decided to work on our marriage and speak each others love language (the 5 love languages book by gary chapman) i thank krishna for that. and a few days later my husband did my tattoo. wow, that was a long story. yikes! sorry.
my new tattoos are the words hare krishna on one and hare rama on the other. they both have water crystals from the book "the hidden messages of water" excellent freaking book!!!