Ready for another New Year and another New Self...
Before I get into what I was gonna post, I just have to say I think it's wierd and creepy that my ex friends lurk on myspace and spy on my life!
Yes, it's publicly posted.
But why the fuck do you care so much?
I wish I could block users from viewing my profile at all.
I don't want to think about you guys ever again--I'm much much happier without you in my life.
And I hate to say it, but knowing you're there lurking gives me the frickin creeps.
Get a fuckin life and fuckin get over it already!
*Deep Breath.* Ahhhh. Better.
1) Sooo Christmas was awesome! The least stressful and most loving year in awhile. We got useful stuff and not very much 'crap'. Next year I want to get more into it. Meaning more cookie decorating and ornament making--kid stuff is the fun part of this season!
2) I love spending time with my family. Everyone is so much more harmonious now. I never thought I would, but I absolutely adore every single member of my family now and am extremely proud to be related to such wonderful people! My brothers are absolutely precious.
3) I have been eating like a PIG. Who hasn't, right? And there is still so much leftover goodness! For Christmas breakfast we made bacon, egg, cheese, and toast sandwiches and french toast with Alpine Bread Basket Cherry and Cinnamon bread, with raw maple syrup and homemade whip cream! Heavenly..And let's not forget the traditional turkey sandwiches...I've eaten more potatoes and bread in the past week than in the past three months put together it feels like!
4) I WILL begin an intensive (intensive for me means doing it every day-HA) exercise program TODAY though! I'm actually excited about it. Nothing new, Yoga, Pilates and good ol Buns of Steel...Actually I do need to order myself some new pilates videos. I'm sure my technique is pretty bad since I haven't done a video in over a year, not to mention I probably skip half the poses because of laziness....
5) I have lots of fun shopping to do and now NO PLP to shop with! I was considering taking aps for a temporary shopping buddy, but I'm thinking I might just become a solo shopper in between cold coast visits.
6) Because my PLP is moved, and I have divorced alcohol, I have absolutely no desire to 'go out'. Which is funny coz everyone else is in full on 'go out' mode since Shawn just got his id.
7) Since I am not going out, my schedule is clear for getting my act together. Meaning getting in school, getting healthier, and finding creative ways to support myself through school, not to mention creative outlets in general. So if I am antisocial for a couple months, you all know why. I'm in cocoon mode. Doing my favorite thing: focusing inward.
Shawn is gonna finish my calf sleeve for my xmas and bday gifts from last year!
I started it when I turned 18 and finally it will feel like art!
AAAND he's gettin my penguin (the start of my sleeve on my right shoulder) done for this years' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm getting my leg done first, by my guy who started it hopefully..
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9) I have been having the best couple days! I feel so recharged. My life doesn't feel 'all wrong' to me anymore! I have felt loads better since I disconnected from Shawn and he found his own ground. Maybe getting laid for the first time in months and actually enjoying it has something to do with it too.
10) I will try to be around and kick it with my favorite people as much as possible. Of course I need balance....BUUUT
11) I'm gonna be super busy with getting a new job, getting paperwork done for school, starting school, going to court, making art/clothes, trying to get in shape again, working on car stuff with shawn, doing group and partner meditation, working with ASA and NORML, getting tatted {YAY!!}, and in between trying to make it to parties and raves, and trying to get better at money management....etc, etc, ETC, right??
So you'll have to be the wonderful understanding friends I know you are.
I'm ending on 11, my favorite number. By the way Natasha I see 11:11 EVERYwhere now. Love it.
Before I get into what I was gonna post, I just have to say I think it's wierd and creepy that my ex friends lurk on myspace and spy on my life!
Yes, it's publicly posted.
But why the fuck do you care so much?
I wish I could block users from viewing my profile at all.
I don't want to think about you guys ever again--I'm much much happier without you in my life.
And I hate to say it, but knowing you're there lurking gives me the frickin creeps.
Get a fuckin life and fuckin get over it already!
*Deep Breath.* Ahhhh. Better.
1) Sooo Christmas was awesome! The least stressful and most loving year in awhile. We got useful stuff and not very much 'crap'. Next year I want to get more into it. Meaning more cookie decorating and ornament making--kid stuff is the fun part of this season!
2) I love spending time with my family. Everyone is so much more harmonious now. I never thought I would, but I absolutely adore every single member of my family now and am extremely proud to be related to such wonderful people! My brothers are absolutely precious.
3) I have been eating like a PIG. Who hasn't, right? And there is still so much leftover goodness! For Christmas breakfast we made bacon, egg, cheese, and toast sandwiches and french toast with Alpine Bread Basket Cherry and Cinnamon bread, with raw maple syrup and homemade whip cream! Heavenly..And let's not forget the traditional turkey sandwiches...I've eaten more potatoes and bread in the past week than in the past three months put together it feels like!
4) I WILL begin an intensive (intensive for me means doing it every day-HA) exercise program TODAY though! I'm actually excited about it. Nothing new, Yoga, Pilates and good ol Buns of Steel...Actually I do need to order myself some new pilates videos. I'm sure my technique is pretty bad since I haven't done a video in over a year, not to mention I probably skip half the poses because of laziness....
5) I have lots of fun shopping to do and now NO PLP to shop with! I was considering taking aps for a temporary shopping buddy, but I'm thinking I might just become a solo shopper in between cold coast visits.
6) Because my PLP is moved, and I have divorced alcohol, I have absolutely no desire to 'go out'. Which is funny coz everyone else is in full on 'go out' mode since Shawn just got his id.
7) Since I am not going out, my schedule is clear for getting my act together. Meaning getting in school, getting healthier, and finding creative ways to support myself through school, not to mention creative outlets in general. So if I am antisocial for a couple months, you all know why. I'm in cocoon mode. Doing my favorite thing: focusing inward.
Shawn is gonna finish my calf sleeve for my xmas and bday gifts from last year!
I started it when I turned 18 and finally it will feel like art!
AAAND he's gettin my penguin (the start of my sleeve on my right shoulder) done for this years' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm getting my leg done first, by my guy who started it hopefully..
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9) I have been having the best couple days! I feel so recharged. My life doesn't feel 'all wrong' to me anymore! I have felt loads better since I disconnected from Shawn and he found his own ground. Maybe getting laid for the first time in months and actually enjoying it has something to do with it too.
10) I will try to be around and kick it with my favorite people as much as possible. Of course I need balance....BUUUT
11) I'm gonna be super busy with getting a new job, getting paperwork done for school, starting school, going to court, making art/clothes, trying to get in shape again, working on car stuff with shawn, doing group and partner meditation, working with ASA and NORML, getting tatted {YAY!!}, and in between trying to make it to parties and raves, and trying to get better at money management....etc, etc, ETC, right??
So you'll have to be the wonderful understanding friends I know you are.
I'm ending on 11, my favorite number. By the way Natasha I see 11:11 EVERYwhere now. Love it.
I, also, have divorced alcohol, after partying way too much the last month or so. I spent my entire time in Missouri sick with the flu (again) and this awful chest cold. I can't help but think my illness is in part my body's reaction to suddenly quitting smoking/drinking for 5 days after such regular intake.
I think it's so funny that you've been elevened.....I was rambling on so much about my 1111 experience that night, I didn't know if anyone was pickin' up what I was puttin' down! I always love finding friends that you can connect with on several levels....