how's this for an answer to my ponderings/lamentings of late?
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
how's this for an answer to my ponderings of late?
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
should i stay or should i go now
if i go there will be trouble
if i stay there will be double.
if i go there will be trouble
if i stay there will be double.

crap i've got ten min to get ready and out the door for work and i just woke up!
before i run, check this out.
the most random thing evar....LMAO!!
(what?? ghey. ok i'll post a link)
before i run, check this out.
the most random thing evar....LMAO!!
(what?? ghey. ok i'll post a link)
thak U darling!! you are so bautiful with thar red hair !! LOVE IT !!!!

i'm putting off boring cleaning by boring myself with the internet.
meh. i might as well be productive and bored.
meh. i might as well be productive and bored.
Jack Cafferty Tells Us How He Really Feels About Sarah Palin
Jack Cafferty Tells Us How He Really Feels About Sarah Palin
thanks for your input.
your pictures are just beautiful! have a good weekend!

your pictures are just beautiful! have a good weekend!

Holy shit that second video is hilarious! But in the darkest sense of hilarity, if that is a word. Jesus S. Christ Sarah Palin, are you really this stupid?
Also, I never thought it possible for Matt Damon to make sense. Whenever I hear his name I imagine on South Park where all he says is "Matt Damon!". I can't help it.
Obama actually came to good ole Pendleton, Oregon and made a great speech on his campaign trail. I was stizzoked to be so close to such a brilliant and beautiful man. GO OBAMA. (on that note I just saw a bumpersticker that said NOBAMA and it made me giggle. Oh you republicans. *sigh*)
Also, I never thought it possible for Matt Damon to make sense. Whenever I hear his name I imagine on South Park where all he says is "Matt Damon!". I can't help it.
Obama actually came to good ole Pendleton, Oregon and made a great speech on his campaign trail. I was stizzoked to be so close to such a brilliant and beautiful man. GO OBAMA. (on that note I just saw a bumpersticker that said NOBAMA and it made me giggle. Oh you republicans. *sigh*)
i need a life coach, or a therapist. or maybe a psychic. someone who hasn't known me who i can talk to, who can give me some perspective on my life.
anyone have any recommendations? i live in san diego, ca.
anyone have any recommendations? i live in san diego, ca.
Well, Canada is still pretty rad. For one, our conservatives are further left on the spectrum than Republicans, and the minority government means that they won't really have control in the same way--there are more non-conservative MP's than conservative, so they have to watch their step or the government will fall and we'll have to have another election.
All in all, Canada is a really great place to live, which is why I'm moving back before too long
All in all, Canada is a really great place to live, which is why I'm moving back before too long

i just bit off all my fingernails for the first time in years because i was so in suspense over the last harry potter book!
it did not disappoint! (except for the little '19 years later' thing in the back that seemed thrown together last minute)
it did not disappoint! (except for the little '19 years later' thing in the back that seemed thrown together last minute)
Such a great book! I was crying at the end.
[edit] i pulled something in my neck/shoulder wednesday night bringing in the patio at work.
the last few days have been something like this:
lie flat on my back for as long as i can hold still for
moan about hurting
take ibuprofen
smoke pot
drink water and change positions
watch horrible tv
eat all kinds of goodies to distract myself
smoke more pot...
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[edit] i pulled something in my neck/shoulder wednesday night bringing in the patio at work.
the last few days have been something like this:
lie flat on my back for as long as i can hold still for
moan about hurting
take ibuprofen
smoke pot
drink water and change positions
watch horrible tv
eat all kinds of goodies to distract myself
smoke more pot...
Read More
what happened??
poor you!
you need some vicodin lady. Pot helps too, especially if you eat it somehow.
you need some vicodin lady. Pot helps too, especially if you eat it somehow.
that was one of the nicest things anyone has said to me. it totally made my day!
i love your hair, by the way. ♥

that was one of the nicest things anyone has said to me. it totally made my day!
i love your hair, by the way. ♥
Yeah, the appendix removal is a super pain in the ass. I'm still in butt loads of pain, and vicodin makes me feel nauseated. Lame.