my new tattoo itches
i have no booze
i ate trader joes jalepeno tortilla chips for dinner
my roomate told me she was taking me to the Justin Timberlake show in September
i didn't skate at all today
i have 80 dollars to get me through my 3 day weekend in Seattle, and through till next payday on the 3rd
i discovered an ant problem in my room
I want to read my book, but I have a feeling when I start I may just pass out
god-damn my life is exciting
i have no booze
i ate trader joes jalepeno tortilla chips for dinner
my roomate told me she was taking me to the Justin Timberlake show in September
i didn't skate at all today
i have 80 dollars to get me through my 3 day weekend in Seattle, and through till next payday on the 3rd
i discovered an ant problem in my room
I want to read my book, but I have a feeling when I start I may just pass out
god-damn my life is exciting
man i hate that reading = sleep thing when i want to read really bad... cuz i will try so hard to read and just not absorb a thing