I finally got around to watching some movies I've been putting off, I've got some left to watch after this, but these couldn't wait.
Ghost Rider - I'm a geek. I collect comics. I love comic book movies. Even the bad ones. This one, was one. It wasn't terrible, but it sure won't be winning any academy awards. Well, it might, if they had an award for best hair plugs in a film. But I digress.. here is my rating system for Superhero movies. 1 being the lowest, ala Ang Lee's version of Hulk, 5 being decent, as in Daredevil starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, and 10, being the king of all superhero movies, SUPERMAN-FUCKING-2 (General Zod. Need I say more?)
Ghost Rider gets a 4.
300 - also a comic book adaptation. NOT a superhero movie, so I will not judge it as such. I love violence in film. Especially violence with a purpose. This not only stayed true to the graphic novel penned by Frank Miller, it was VIOLENT AS ALL HELL. They even used CGI to make the blood splatter cooler then it already was. I can appreciate that. I am so buying it when it comes on DVD.
Grindhouse - I will only say the following. When I rule the world, all films of any genre will be made soley by Robert Rodriguez and Quinten Terinteno. Zombies? check. Hot girls with Gun Legs? check. Explosions every 2 minutes? check. Rad music? check. FUCKING AWESOME CARS? check. a superfine girl referencing Zatoichi, the blind sowrdsman, check.
This movie was made for people like me, who truely appreciate the maddness of film. God damn what a great, GREAT movie that was, even if it was 2 movies, and a handful of shorts.
Speaking of a handful of shorts, time to get my laundry out of the dryer and pass-the-fuck-out.
Until next time.. and remember kids
Strike First, Strike Hard, SHOW NO MERCY

Ghost Rider - I'm a geek. I collect comics. I love comic book movies. Even the bad ones. This one, was one. It wasn't terrible, but it sure won't be winning any academy awards. Well, it might, if they had an award for best hair plugs in a film. But I digress.. here is my rating system for Superhero movies. 1 being the lowest, ala Ang Lee's version of Hulk, 5 being decent, as in Daredevil starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, and 10, being the king of all superhero movies, SUPERMAN-FUCKING-2 (General Zod. Need I say more?)
Ghost Rider gets a 4.
300 - also a comic book adaptation. NOT a superhero movie, so I will not judge it as such. I love violence in film. Especially violence with a purpose. This not only stayed true to the graphic novel penned by Frank Miller, it was VIOLENT AS ALL HELL. They even used CGI to make the blood splatter cooler then it already was. I can appreciate that. I am so buying it when it comes on DVD.
Grindhouse - I will only say the following. When I rule the world, all films of any genre will be made soley by Robert Rodriguez and Quinten Terinteno. Zombies? check. Hot girls with Gun Legs? check. Explosions every 2 minutes? check. Rad music? check. FUCKING AWESOME CARS? check. a superfine girl referencing Zatoichi, the blind sowrdsman, check.
This movie was made for people like me, who truely appreciate the maddness of film. God damn what a great, GREAT movie that was, even if it was 2 movies, and a handful of shorts.
Speaking of a handful of shorts, time to get my laundry out of the dryer and pass-the-fuck-out.
Until next time.. and remember kids
Strike First, Strike Hard, SHOW NO MERCY

I like Nic Cage just about no matter what he is in... because the overacting is so great. See Con Air for a great example, lol