Am I LAME ... or am I RAD?
I am mainly posing this question to myself, but feel free to weigh in with your opinions if you like.
On Tuesday night. I met up with my roomate, her BF and a couple of my other friends for fried food and alcohol at My Fathers Place.
I ended up meeting up with one of my Ex-Girlfriends from the High School era there as well. I haven't seen this girl in ages, and really is my only Ex from that era that I would even care to associate with.
Anyway... Roomates and friends leave the bar, making it just the ex and I.
We drink, talk, catch up, and really get to some profound discussion. Afterwards she offers me a ride home, i accept we kick it at my place for a bit.
Let me preface this at this point with the following. I know shes got a boyfriend. She went to school at Yale, moved from there after she graduated to Brooklyn, became a teacher, met this dude there, and they moved back here a couple of years ago.
I totally could've fucked that girl silly that night. Right there, splayed out across my pool table, I could've done it.
But I didn't.
She was all over me like a fly on shit.
But I didn't go there.
I told her that I didn't want to be "that guy"
Now, why would I, a perfectly functional male who hasn't gotten a good piece of ass in 6 months, pass up a chance to have some fantastic, spur-of-the-moment sex with someone totally hot and willing.. ??
I'm either really stupid, or really rad.
I haven't fully decided yet.. I am leaning towards the rad part though. I may be a dick, but I am not an asshole.
I am mainly posing this question to myself, but feel free to weigh in with your opinions if you like.
On Tuesday night. I met up with my roomate, her BF and a couple of my other friends for fried food and alcohol at My Fathers Place.
I ended up meeting up with one of my Ex-Girlfriends from the High School era there as well. I haven't seen this girl in ages, and really is my only Ex from that era that I would even care to associate with.
Anyway... Roomates and friends leave the bar, making it just the ex and I.
We drink, talk, catch up, and really get to some profound discussion. Afterwards she offers me a ride home, i accept we kick it at my place for a bit.
Let me preface this at this point with the following. I know shes got a boyfriend. She went to school at Yale, moved from there after she graduated to Brooklyn, became a teacher, met this dude there, and they moved back here a couple of years ago.
I totally could've fucked that girl silly that night. Right there, splayed out across my pool table, I could've done it.
But I didn't.
She was all over me like a fly on shit.
But I didn't go there.
I told her that I didn't want to be "that guy"
Now, why would I, a perfectly functional male who hasn't gotten a good piece of ass in 6 months, pass up a chance to have some fantastic, spur-of-the-moment sex with someone totally hot and willing.. ??
I'm either really stupid, or really rad.
I haven't fully decided yet.. I am leaning towards the rad part though. I may be a dick, but I am not an asshole.