I love this town.. and I hate this town.
Everyone knows you, and everyone knows your personal buisness..
get this..
I got this email this afternoon..
anon anon <anonamess@gmail.com> 2:06 pm (11 hours ago)
to dj.burn.23@gmail.com
date Jun 25, 2007 2:06 PM
mailed-by gmail.com
ask karen about the other guy she was seeing while you were with her
for those who may or may not know..
K and I broke up several months ago due mostly in part of her infidelities.. i had a very small roll to play in the events leading toward those so called "infidelities" never the less, I never cheated or persued any cheating.. she unfortunately did.. with at least 4 or 5 guys during the span of our relationship (7 years I might add).
I found out about them in November 06, and she finally officially kicked me to the curb at the end of Feb, this year.
I moved out and have been trying to put my life back together since. I've not had a date, nor have I had "relations" with anyone since.
She on the other hand has already moved her current boyfriend into our old house. THAT is besides the point..
What is the point is that, despite the fact that I'm trying to move on.. SOME asshat still feels its necessary to get into my personal biz and throw this kind of shit back into my face.
I don't play that kind of bullshit.
I am miserable enough as it is. I am fully aware what kind of shit I've been putting up with since November, and I don't need some anonomyous douchebag trying to start shit thats been over sice then..
When do I get a break from the bullshit!?? When do I get to finally move the fuck on and not have this kind of shit thrown in my goddamned face every day?
I guess it wouldn't be such a big deal if I had some hotty to fawn over.. but I don't, and I cant.. so right now, all I get is some ass-hat trying to bring me down..
fuck that shit..
Everyone knows you, and everyone knows your personal buisness..
get this..
I got this email this afternoon..
anon anon <anonamess@gmail.com> 2:06 pm (11 hours ago)
to dj.burn.23@gmail.com
date Jun 25, 2007 2:06 PM
mailed-by gmail.com
ask karen about the other guy she was seeing while you were with her
for those who may or may not know..
K and I broke up several months ago due mostly in part of her infidelities.. i had a very small roll to play in the events leading toward those so called "infidelities" never the less, I never cheated or persued any cheating.. she unfortunately did.. with at least 4 or 5 guys during the span of our relationship (7 years I might add).
I found out about them in November 06, and she finally officially kicked me to the curb at the end of Feb, this year.
I moved out and have been trying to put my life back together since. I've not had a date, nor have I had "relations" with anyone since.
She on the other hand has already moved her current boyfriend into our old house. THAT is besides the point..
What is the point is that, despite the fact that I'm trying to move on.. SOME asshat still feels its necessary to get into my personal biz and throw this kind of shit back into my face.
I don't play that kind of bullshit.
I am miserable enough as it is. I am fully aware what kind of shit I've been putting up with since November, and I don't need some anonomyous douchebag trying to start shit thats been over sice then..
When do I get a break from the bullshit!?? When do I get to finally move the fuck on and not have this kind of shit thrown in my goddamned face every day?
I guess it wouldn't be such a big deal if I had some hotty to fawn over.. but I don't, and I cant.. so right now, all I get is some ass-hat trying to bring me down..
fuck that shit..
ahaha thats the best shit i ever heard.
and yeah, portland sucks. sometimes.
but you dont cuz youre awesome.