Some new mixed media I created...
"The Oedipus Complex"
"I Love Lamp"
I created a possible Christmas card.... this is Peter Lorre I found from an old "Stars of the Silver Screen" publication, and the words are cut out from a 1960's LIFE magazine. As soon as I saw them, I knew exactly what I wanted. There is another possible Christmas card... but that one is for the REALLY sick friends I have, I know will appreciate it! Here is the Peter Lorre...
AND HERE... is my masterpiece for all my sick friends...
Taken from 1950s LIFE magazines (again)... it's Santa's hand lighting a zippo- and above is a buddhist monk in vietnam... on fire.
Here is what the card will look like:
I can't wait to order these!
Well, I worked 8 days in a row, and I had this weekend off. It's currently beautiful outside and uncommonly warm, so I'm going to get some shooting in while I can. Make me feel normal, connected and a part of the earth. Cheers! I hope you enjoyed the bizarre series of images that come from my brain
"The Oedipus Complex"
"I Love Lamp"
I created a possible Christmas card.... this is Peter Lorre I found from an old "Stars of the Silver Screen" publication, and the words are cut out from a 1960's LIFE magazine. As soon as I saw them, I knew exactly what I wanted. There is another possible Christmas card... but that one is for the REALLY sick friends I have, I know will appreciate it! Here is the Peter Lorre...
AND HERE... is my masterpiece for all my sick friends...
Taken from 1950s LIFE magazines (again)... it's Santa's hand lighting a zippo- and above is a buddhist monk in vietnam... on fire.
Here is what the card will look like:
I can't wait to order these!
Well, I worked 8 days in a row, and I had this weekend off. It's currently beautiful outside and uncommonly warm, so I'm going to get some shooting in while I can. Make me feel normal, connected and a part of the earth. Cheers! I hope you enjoyed the bizarre series of images that come from my brain
These are so awesome!