Because an e-mail containing pictures like this: (this was really from one of her emails)
... is the gayest thing I've ever seen. Someone actually took the time to create such a monstrosity. Anyone who knows me well, knows that unless you are sending that to me as a joke, by which we can laugh at the stupidity of such self indulgent crap, don't send it at all. *phew* Now that THAT's off my chest.
In other news, I went to Sunday night "gay night" at the the local bar (and p.s. met the cutest girl - we made some eyes with each other but then I had to go home for the night ) and when I got home I started to feel a little crappy in the throat. It was difficult to swallow on one side of my throat. I thought it was the beginning of strep. I know my body, therefore I figured I could accurately diagnose myself. I went to the hospital for an official test. I should have known something was wrong when I overheard the lab tech say, "Okay, what is it for strep again? 2 or 4 drops?" I was like, "Oh great. Technical night school rears its ugly head" which I kept to myself.
They informed me that my test came back negative, and they said it was just a "mild infection" : take tylenol and ibuprofen and that I was fine to go to work. I called work and told them that I had an infection and they told me to say home. Good thing, because it progressively got worse. By Tuesday I am in such much pain I can barely stand being myself. I can't sleep because I literally have aches in every joint in my body. My neck is so sore and swollen. My fever is so bad that I'm sweating through all my T-shirts in the night, another catalyst in my inability to sleep.
This is seriously the worst I have ever been sick (since that one time in high school I couldn't stop throwing up for 5 days).
It started off like this, a little swollen... basically my mouth looks like a vagina.
And progressed to this... black and white and red all over... and that's not good news.
So the hospital calls me yesterday, because they did two tests while I was there last time. They put this one in the incubator and let it fester. Whoops!!! We fucked up! YOU DO have strep! Come get some penicillin. Our bad!
I COULD HAVE FUCKING KILLED THEM. So you mean to tell me that because your nurse practitioners are completely incompetent, I have gone without necessary medication for the last three days? I could already be feeling better right now? I could actually go to Philly to visit friends like I had planned? FUCK. YOU. for real.
Luckily enough, I started to feel somewhat better last night because my mother had the brilliant stroke and got out some oxys she had leftover from a routine teeth drilling. We called the pharmacy and they said it would be fine... and boy was it. Thank god for them. The oxys still don't completely help the pain felt when swallowing, so you know it must be bad.
My 3 dogs and 2 cats (at my parents place) are keeping me company. In fact, they kinda won't leave me alone. I know animals circle when something is about to... am I gonna die?
Anyways, this was my angry rant about the WORST hospital in the area. *sigh*
Looks like no Philly for me this weekend. I can't drink on antibiotics anyways... I got a message from Laura that said, "you're coming this weekend no matter what" Sorry chica. That's what you think. Maybe I'll send her a picture of my throat. hehe That should make her understand the severity of this situation. For now, we'll just have to rely on memories ...
Oh! By the way, I found these images to include in my "thank you" book I'm making. Enjoy!
feel better..........