Must finish Hamlet paper. Must not go play with_____Sc0|2N3rS_! Must not spend all day on SG. Damn.
I have been trying to write this damn paper for two weeks, but I'm completely uninspired. I know the story Hamlet very well at this point, but I just don't have anything to say about it. The only actual opinion that I have about it is that Ophelia didn't kill herself on purpose, that she was just so effing crazy that she didn't realize that she was going to die.
My teacher wants us to say something about what we think about Hamlet, not just tell the plot (which I could totally do, by the way). I have two paragraphs written right now, and I'm focusing on the way that Hamlet treats women like crap because of his mother.
Anyway, love to you all, I hope everyone's weekend was fabulous!
PS-I promise I will have a more interesting journal next time, and not just bore you with Hamlet!
I'm sure you'll write something dazzling, though.