woe is me. jesus christ. im pissed at my girl friend (read: girl [pause] friend). she is fucking over my plans for winter break, constantly cancelling on me. its beginning to remind me why i never used to plan anything ahead.
oh, if by chance you, and i mean YOU, venture over my profile, drop a comment, then i will feel really cool that someone has seen me. DO IT, you'll like it, it will make you feel warm inside.
just started reading Brave New World by Huxley. im only 70 pages into it, and it is great thus far. reading is fun, i recommend it to anyone in college. i find that i spend way too much time reading through physics and calculus book, watching movies, wandering the internet, and getting drunk. its nice to finally allow my mind to expand with thought and to think nonlinearly for once.
oh, if by chance you, and i mean YOU, venture over my profile, drop a comment, then i will feel really cool that someone has seen me. DO IT, you'll like it, it will make you feel warm inside.
just started reading Brave New World by Huxley. im only 70 pages into it, and it is great thus far. reading is fun, i recommend it to anyone in college. i find that i spend way too much time reading through physics and calculus book, watching movies, wandering the internet, and getting drunk. its nice to finally allow my mind to expand with thought and to think nonlinearly for once.