soooo this week has been rather interesting, if i can say so myself...filled to the brim with drama and obviously busy as fuck with work...thank goodness it is easter weekend, i get to sleep sooo late and get to just stay in bed and watch movies and obviously plan the adventures for the night and next day.
wow, cant believe my birthday flew by so quickly, got so many bday messages from so many people and i realized "hey, wait a minute, i know every single one of you!! so i went and thank them all personally on my facebook (what a day, so many messages, thank yous, making plans, cathcing up but it was special)...25 is a milestone in my eyes aka im an old fart
pity everybody is sooo wrapped up in their own drama and crap that i didnt get any visits that eve and if i wasnt working i would so have gone out, so i just went to my fave figurine store, had a chat with my friendy that works there (and he supplies me with the most awesome stuff and mags) and then on the way home i u-turned in traffic and darted down to the nearest sushi place, got a 36 piece platter (and yes, i finished it all by myself), got woolworths cupcakes (inside surprise 1's are the best!!!) and choccies and spend the night on my lil princess chair and watched chick flicks...pity my camera broke cuz i would love to put a pic up of my gorgeous lil chair, sigh...gota save for a new 1 wheeeeee
the weekend was amazing come to think of it, alot of people bailed on my supposed party, even my bff that planned it but Lady B spoilt me to the max sat eve...even had the club owner announce that it was my party and played my fave Bullet for my Valentine song and it was just amazing. saw all my darlings there, went rather ghetto bootylicious with Annie as they played rap songs near the end of the eve (thats right, we uh'ed and aah'ed and went down low)...took pics with random people in exchange for girly shiz (i shall not elaborate on that 1 but hey, they got to pose with me and it saved my eve, totally)...i think we crawled out at 4 am, sun wasnt coming up but wow, would have been great driving home and watching the sunrise.
i am terribly excited to see my other photographer friend real soon, Clare is an absolute HoneyBunny and she really has done alot for me...check this out

need i say more??? she did this in September last year, most amazing person to work with, ever...apart from Alison (you know i love you
) and wow, this shoot will always be dear to my heart, was a celebration infact and we had balloons suspended off my arms and 24 needles, gosh, sex to my skin.
and obviously, the pixie of pain, Lady Lli did an amazing job, what she does with needles and strings, pure poetry

the whole crew just made me so comfortable whilst i was sitting and playing on my Fb mobile and jamming to some sick Pendulum tunes, she said i was such a trooper...pity the scars have faded thanks to some stupid tan i got in the December Holiday but gosh, memories...thats why i love my piercings so much, every single 1 has a great memory attached to it...i pushed the numbers up to 19 today...went to get my 5th holes in my ears done, to remember my bday and the fact that i have the most amazing friends eveeeeer (oh, and the impulsive, spontanious, acting out bug kinda kick in so i went during work
and lets not forget these to amazing angels that did my make up and hair!!! Nicole used the MAC hello kitty range on my face and Jemma did an amazing job on making my hair look very anime. gosh, these darlings know their shiz, i refuse to work with other makeup and hair artist than them...busy bees at work

so, hopefully when i meet up with Lady Clare we can catch up and cook up some fantastic ideas for funzies and for pete's sake, bring on the needle play!!! i have been deprived for too long!
last night i had my bestie Odette (Oslet and Sleazel ruinite) come and spice gold was a flowing and many a bad memories/item was chucked into the bin. went to get sushi take out and after pigging out to the max we just talked non stop and went swinging in the park and checked the stars out.

my nunupie...cant believe she is still in school, she is just sooo fucking awesome and mature and def a great mate to have.
so anyway, getting ready for the weekend, think im going to make an appearance at evol tomorrow eve...dress up is religious so im def going as a catholic school girl with The Craft twist, Nancy style...should be an interesting eve. no eyepatch tho, its sooo funny how people come up to me and ask "are you blind in the 1 eye" or "did you put your own eye out" ...uh, no, i just wear it cuz i can
then def hitting China Town on sat morning for some shopping and then i'll just wing it from there. hope i get a nice visit (wish hope wish hope) but at least its 4 days of much needed rest and relaxation. no spending tho, went rather nuts Tuesday eve and got soooo many pairs of shoes and clothes and stuff, gah...wish i could win the lottery. i salute this upcoming long weekend with a glass of cream liquor and wish everybody i fantastic easter weeked
wow, cant believe my birthday flew by so quickly, got so many bday messages from so many people and i realized "hey, wait a minute, i know every single one of you!! so i went and thank them all personally on my facebook (what a day, so many messages, thank yous, making plans, cathcing up but it was special)...25 is a milestone in my eyes aka im an old fart

the weekend was amazing come to think of it, alot of people bailed on my supposed party, even my bff that planned it but Lady B spoilt me to the max sat eve...even had the club owner announce that it was my party and played my fave Bullet for my Valentine song and it was just amazing. saw all my darlings there, went rather ghetto bootylicious with Annie as they played rap songs near the end of the eve (thats right, we uh'ed and aah'ed and went down low)...took pics with random people in exchange for girly shiz (i shall not elaborate on that 1 but hey, they got to pose with me and it saved my eve, totally)...i think we crawled out at 4 am, sun wasnt coming up but wow, would have been great driving home and watching the sunrise.
i am terribly excited to see my other photographer friend real soon, Clare is an absolute HoneyBunny and she really has done alot for me...check this out

need i say more??? she did this in September last year, most amazing person to work with, ever...apart from Alison (you know i love you

and obviously, the pixie of pain, Lady Lli did an amazing job, what she does with needles and strings, pure poetry

the whole crew just made me so comfortable whilst i was sitting and playing on my Fb mobile and jamming to some sick Pendulum tunes, she said i was such a trooper...pity the scars have faded thanks to some stupid tan i got in the December Holiday but gosh, memories...thats why i love my piercings so much, every single 1 has a great memory attached to it...i pushed the numbers up to 19 today...went to get my 5th holes in my ears done, to remember my bday and the fact that i have the most amazing friends eveeeeer (oh, and the impulsive, spontanious, acting out bug kinda kick in so i went during work

and lets not forget these to amazing angels that did my make up and hair!!! Nicole used the MAC hello kitty range on my face and Jemma did an amazing job on making my hair look very anime. gosh, these darlings know their shiz, i refuse to work with other makeup and hair artist than them...busy bees at work

so, hopefully when i meet up with Lady Clare we can catch up and cook up some fantastic ideas for funzies and for pete's sake, bring on the needle play!!! i have been deprived for too long!
last night i had my bestie Odette (Oslet and Sleazel ruinite) come and spice gold was a flowing and many a bad memories/item was chucked into the bin. went to get sushi take out and after pigging out to the max we just talked non stop and went swinging in the park and checked the stars out.

my nunupie...cant believe she is still in school, she is just sooo fucking awesome and mature and def a great mate to have.
so anyway, getting ready for the weekend, think im going to make an appearance at evol tomorrow eve...dress up is religious so im def going as a catholic school girl with The Craft twist, Nancy style...should be an interesting eve. no eyepatch tho, its sooo funny how people come up to me and ask "are you blind in the 1 eye" or "did you put your own eye out" ...uh, no, i just wear it cuz i can

then def hitting China Town on sat morning for some shopping and then i'll just wing it from there. hope i get a nice visit (wish hope wish hope) but at least its 4 days of much needed rest and relaxation. no spending tho, went rather nuts Tuesday eve and got soooo many pairs of shoes and clothes and stuff, gah...wish i could win the lottery. i salute this upcoming long weekend with a glass of cream liquor and wish everybody i fantastic easter weeked