another eventful day back at the office, ag, who am i is boring as hell, well not boring as i do have a stack of paperwork to complete, i just have no real motivation to start on it...perhaps it has something to do with the fact that i am not getting paid today, and mama got some bills to pay and new shoes to get that desperately want a loving home *sigh*
on the bright side the weather is gorgeous, typical stay-in-bed-watch-a-dvd-and-cuddle-weather. right, now sadly i am at work (darnit) but in my head it is almost home time so off to bed i shall go and watch a scary, uber gory horror, i just need the cuddle part to be sorted out. wish we had dail-a-cuddler
i deserve some prime cuddles after the amount of work i am doing to clear up the disaster my flat was left in after my ex finally fucked off. goodness, i hate break ups, esp when he owns all the nice stuff i.e. a ps 3, flatscreen, pc and sound system but it is totally worth saying bye bye for the sake of my sanity and solitude, now the fun begins.
already went cushion hunting last night with my "wifey". we took each other out on a lil sushi date as she was owning at the casino yesterday (while im stuck here) soooo we graced the mall with our leather cladded asses and went to all the homey stores. saw such cute things that i want. my honey of a mommy already supplied me with some birthday ching but sadly it aint gona get me the couch i so badly want. so the cutest lil princess kiddies couch. i just want it for the sake of it being so damn fucking cute
walked out with so many cushions that i had to drag the shopping bag (which was maaaassive) behind me for 3 hours as we mished from 1 awesome store to the next. bet you can tell that i really do love my shopping. sigh, i have so many addictions and i love every 1 of them
saw the hottest fabric at a fabric store, will def get me some of that and i have great plans for my ugly this space, in a few months it'll be a hot piece of art. thankfully i have some solitude to focus on creating it but sadly, i'm a tad bit lonely. guess i'll have to get use to staying alone. at least i have my 3 gorgeous kitties to drive me up the wall. altho, it would be super to come home to bath filled with roses and open arms (keep on dreaming darling
we stepped into shopping mecca (YDE) and for once, i can proudly say, that i walked out empty handed, altho im waiting patiently for their winter sale cuz hotdamn, so many things i want. Even Nas agreed that the store is hell, it makes you want to walk out with so much stuff, and all i could do is agree and wipe away a tear
had the best sushi afterwards XD clearly my eyes are waaay bigger than my belly so i totally went down to town on my 20 piece platter. totally orgasmic and a once a month treat, unless i stumble upon a winning lotto ticket *hope hope hope*. got a rad fortune cookie too, altho, it didnt say what i wanted it to say, but i'll settle for it and it taste sooo good. i daily rape the asian restaurant down the road for a few. played arcade games after waddling out, i love playing old school pinball and there is this awesome shocking game where you hold on to bars and it sends out some kind of shock vibration wave and the longer you hold onto, the worse it gets. totally clocked that game, again...reminds me me of sex and needles
so, after getting the bejesus shocked out of me, we went back to my place to fix the room is next, as the lounge looks semi civalized, yet very empty...moooore couches and stuff! i think i'll get to the shower the day i am so fucking bored with my own life that i have no choice but to do it, ugh!
planning to meet up with 1 of my fave photographers real soon, she is such a honey bunny and without her i would not have had the chance to get my modelling started last year. wana throw out some awesome ideas i have and hint that i need another needle play session real soon or i will go nuts. on a scale of 1 to 10, its like having fantastic, mindblowing, amazeballs sex and is totally my substitute. i foresee copious amounts of coffee and cake and a great chatsies/catchup.
wow, the weekend must hurry up, i fear the worst for my party and am totally amped to get to dancing and having fun and letting go, such great therapy and awesome memories...note to self, no wet tshirt contests, that got me into trouble the last time, but boy was it fun!
i think i am going to the mall during lunch, have this great urge to buy more furniture and see what awesome things i can find. no redbull today tho...must save up a my boobjob
on the bright side the weather is gorgeous, typical stay-in-bed-watch-a-dvd-and-cuddle-weather. right, now sadly i am at work (darnit) but in my head it is almost home time so off to bed i shall go and watch a scary, uber gory horror, i just need the cuddle part to be sorted out. wish we had dail-a-cuddler

already went cushion hunting last night with my "wifey". we took each other out on a lil sushi date as she was owning at the casino yesterday (while im stuck here) soooo we graced the mall with our leather cladded asses and went to all the homey stores. saw such cute things that i want. my honey of a mommy already supplied me with some birthday ching but sadly it aint gona get me the couch i so badly want. so the cutest lil princess kiddies couch. i just want it for the sake of it being so damn fucking cute

walked out with so many cushions that i had to drag the shopping bag (which was maaaassive) behind me for 3 hours as we mished from 1 awesome store to the next. bet you can tell that i really do love my shopping. sigh, i have so many addictions and i love every 1 of them

we stepped into shopping mecca (YDE) and for once, i can proudly say, that i walked out empty handed, altho im waiting patiently for their winter sale cuz hotdamn, so many things i want. Even Nas agreed that the store is hell, it makes you want to walk out with so much stuff, and all i could do is agree and wipe away a tear

had the best sushi afterwards XD clearly my eyes are waaay bigger than my belly so i totally went down to town on my 20 piece platter. totally orgasmic and a once a month treat, unless i stumble upon a winning lotto ticket *hope hope hope*. got a rad fortune cookie too, altho, it didnt say what i wanted it to say, but i'll settle for it and it taste sooo good. i daily rape the asian restaurant down the road for a few. played arcade games after waddling out, i love playing old school pinball and there is this awesome shocking game where you hold on to bars and it sends out some kind of shock vibration wave and the longer you hold onto, the worse it gets. totally clocked that game, again...reminds me me of sex and needles

so, after getting the bejesus shocked out of me, we went back to my place to fix the room is next, as the lounge looks semi civalized, yet very empty...moooore couches and stuff! i think i'll get to the shower the day i am so fucking bored with my own life that i have no choice but to do it, ugh!
planning to meet up with 1 of my fave photographers real soon, she is such a honey bunny and without her i would not have had the chance to get my modelling started last year. wana throw out some awesome ideas i have and hint that i need another needle play session real soon or i will go nuts. on a scale of 1 to 10, its like having fantastic, mindblowing, amazeballs sex and is totally my substitute. i foresee copious amounts of coffee and cake and a great chatsies/catchup.
wow, the weekend must hurry up, i fear the worst for my party and am totally amped to get to dancing and having fun and letting go, such great therapy and awesome memories...note to self, no wet tshirt contests, that got me into trouble the last time, but boy was it fun!
i think i am going to the mall during lunch, have this great urge to buy more furniture and see what awesome things i can find. no redbull today tho...must save up a my boobjob

i dream of going back to Germany some day
Oh, and I'm sorry about D love