it is almost that time...when you get the butterflies, when your nerves go shot, when you start fretting and stressing, unicornglitterfarts and such
noooo, i am not talking about falling in love...
"GLITTER CELEBRATIONS" goes into MR on the 13th of October at 12pm!!!!
i am very nervous as this is my first set done after going through a troubling time (not gona bitch...
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noooo, i am not talking about falling in love...
"GLITTER CELEBRATIONS" goes into MR on the 13th of October at 12pm!!!!
i am very nervous as this is my first set done after going through a troubling time (not gona bitch...
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when you stumble down our neck of the woods, you will surely be in for a surprise
and trust me, what a surprise it will be
a few weeks ago a very special lil lady celebrated her birthday.
she is a well known Cape Town body modificator (what she does with needles is pure poetry) and is based at Wildfire. goes by the name of...
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and trust me, what a surprise it will be
a few weeks ago a very special lil lady celebrated her birthday.
she is a well known Cape Town body modificator (what she does with needles is pure poetry) and is based at Wildfire. goes by the name of...
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WoW!! It looks like you had quite the night.
I LOVE the pics of you in your outfit. You look hot in black tape!!
I LOVE the pics of you in your outfit. You look hot in black tape!!
How's your week going? x

How's your week going? x
it has been a while since i have been online and i apologize for the MIA
lets just say that i am dealing with the complications of life and trauma...but i have amazing friends that are supporting me currently.
i have been doing some needle play once a is very theraputic and have help me achieve goals that i have set out for myself....
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lets just say that i am dealing with the complications of life and trauma...but i have amazing friends that are supporting me currently.
i have been doing some needle play once a is very theraputic and have help me achieve goals that i have set out for myself....
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yes you can! you blow them all away.
so excited to see you have a new set in queue!
when you're pretty in pink im adding you to my
top favs, of corse.
well, i really hope things get better for you.
im always here if you ever need to rant,
or converse, about an-y-thing. :]
im okay, thanks pretty. gotta flu at the mo
(booooo), but 'powering through' haha.
i really wana do another set, but i duno..
hope you have a magic weekend
love + pashes.
so excited to see you have a new set in queue!
when you're pretty in pink im adding you to my
top favs, of corse.
well, i really hope things get better for you.
im always here if you ever need to rant,
or converse, about an-y-thing. :]
im okay, thanks pretty. gotta flu at the mo
(booooo), but 'powering through' haha.
i really wana do another set, but i duno..
hope you have a magic weekend
love + pashes.
I just discovered you today. You are so beautiful!
Wow, what a week it has beenhardly had time to breathe let alone sneak in a few smokes and update my blogbleh
Sooooo, today Im giving big ups to Mr. Marc Davidson who did my rad ink and whom I will be using from now on to do my inky plans
this bloke has amazing skill and is so rad to work with. I have...
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Sooooo, today Im giving big ups to Mr. Marc Davidson who did my rad ink and whom I will be using from now on to do my inky plans

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You need a new blog for those of us Atticus fans
wondering how you are 

cute cute cute 

Been a bitty MIA as of latebut I am still alive, just horribly busy with work and such, been missing out on all my lovelies and gorgeous piccies and been trying to sneak/pop in but alas not possible
Sooo, an amazeballs weekend is behind my back and boy, was it a killerwent to Evol Friday eve with my lovely Annie (who has given me the...
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Sooo, an amazeballs weekend is behind my back and boy, was it a killerwent to Evol Friday eve with my lovely Annie (who has given me the...
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eeeeeep, i cant wait to see 
oh yes, very itchy - but dont scratch.
what did the tattooist tell you to put/not
on it? they all have different suggestions!
plans for the weekend love?
lotsa love.

oh yes, very itchy - but dont scratch.
what did the tattooist tell you to put/not
on it? they all have different suggestions!
plans for the weekend love?

lotsa love.
sounds aaahsim mam
evol? whereabouts izit?.....this fri im at a farewell

evol? whereabouts izit?.....this fri im at a farewell

Wow, its May already, time flies for some reasonI hope its December real soon so that I can go on Holi and get my bonus. Kinda wish I could get my bonus everyday so that I can pay off all my bills thanks to my retail therapy shopping madness of doomyep, it is biting me in the ass and I got a lovely fine from...
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how was your weekend pretty? 

You better take care of my girl while she's in your care! Thanks to Ryan i kinda might be able to find out where you live 

t-minus 3 days before we get this party started on a high note
the weekend was insane, spend loads of quality time with my lovelies and went everywhere and even got lost on the way to the lovely goth house party (as i said before, it comes standard with me) and my lovely Garmin, Hieke (aka Hoerke) did some trusty navigation once i had to...
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the weekend was insane, spend loads of quality time with my lovelies and went everywhere and even got lost on the way to the lovely goth house party (as i said before, it comes standard with me) and my lovely Garmin, Hieke (aka Hoerke) did some trusty navigation once i had to...
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The parties looks awesome! You CT girls are HOT! 

Gosh...what a week it has been. work wise it has been hectic, drama wise off the motherfucking scale, party wise...the weekend was epic, had its ups and downs...but my debut set Gentleman's Club went into MR on Monday and wow...yeah, thats all i can
Big ups and Kudos to the awesome comments, its surreal, something i am not used to and a huge thank...
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Big ups and Kudos to the awesome comments, its surreal, something i am not used to and a huge thank...
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the last pic is cool!
that's good to hear lovey. and weee,
cant wait to see
awh, that sucks love. wish you could come
be lazy with me. im watchin 28 days later,
and drinking peach ice tea. mmmmm!!
and thankyou for the kind
words m'dear
anything exciting planned
for the week?
cant wait to see

awh, that sucks love. wish you could come
be lazy with me. im watchin 28 days later,
and drinking peach ice tea. mmmmm!!
and thankyou for the kind
words m'dear

anything exciting planned
for the week?
Boy, what a week it has been. Winter is finally hitting Cape Town but the weather seems to be terribly bipolar and I am sick for some strange odd reason. Feels like I have the black lung cancer cough of doomwhich renders me rather helpless and I cant even go out, fml but hey, at least I get to rest and catch up on some...
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<3 your set babe....I know you will go live soon! xxx

Love your set
soooo, my long weekend was rather interesting and fantastic with a dash of adventure, joyriding, get lost (which comes standard if you drive with me) and a sprinkle of "meh" aka boredom but that was quickly cured with newly acquired movies, music and books...gosh, must.stop.spending
Friday eve my lovelies and i bombarded town in style and went to Evol, such a lovely place...great music, nobody...
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Friday eve my lovelies and i bombarded town in style and went to Evol, such a lovely place...great music, nobody...
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i cant wait to see your set. please remind me when its up ! you are gorgeous
I want more girls like you in this group (:
more sets please!
Love for you !