First night I was a beaten school girl hanging on a cross, basically hung and pretended to be dead/fake then started screaming and freaking out. I can act, apparently.

The next night I was a clown again, in the swamp instead of the house. Popped out of a bush and screamed at people while they were looking at the other clown. Not really any acting involved, but still great. I got a massive amount of ICP jokes, wtfff. I hate ICP with a passion. It was raining too, with no breaks because we didn't have enough actors. Still a good time though.
I get my 1000 check on friday from school. Can't wait. Getting Ares birthday stuff (He's 1 next month, christ it's gone by fast) and some christmas presents, then some piercings/tattoos to come. exciteddd. I won't have as much for it as I thought though. I can't believe I'm not working, it sucks. My son will have a good first birthday, and a good Christmas, no matter what I have to do to achieve it.
Today will consist of homework and old horror movies. <3
Have a good one. x
For everything that's rough there's a million things that are better. I've been focusing away from the better when I write in here. I really need to balance that more. We'll get by; we always do. Thanks for the good thoughts