well - here it is a monday.... I have always hated mondays, but this one seems to be treating me quite well. I do have to work later - but that means money - so I am all for that..... I was going to get more hours at work - but it seems that the guy they were going to fire - didn't get fired because the guy couldn't do it, methinks he hasn't the courage..... oh well - fuck it.
so yeah, not much else going on - the constant battle with my car is still ongoing, I am not sure if the battery is getting charged - I need to go down and have it checked out on some type of electrical reader to see if it is charging - I did some electrical repair yesterday and want to see if it worked...... got greasy too..... you should have seen me all dirty and greasy.
My dad and stepmonster are coming up to visit this weekend...... gads - help me! they are very very religious and very very boring...... it will be a looooooong visit.... they are here for 3 days.......... they are going to take the bus around here too to be thrifty..... for Chrissakes that means that they are going to want to come here and hang out for a while - I have to hide my roomate's pipes and bongs and get rid of the beer a booze bottles..... and hope that the roomates don't come home and spark up or something........ oh well - i have lived through worse.
Ok then SG-landers....... I'm off to do some chores around the house..... don't so anything I wouldn't do - unless it is fun..... hehe
just to prove I am still alive......

so yeah, not much else going on - the constant battle with my car is still ongoing, I am not sure if the battery is getting charged - I need to go down and have it checked out on some type of electrical reader to see if it is charging - I did some electrical repair yesterday and want to see if it worked...... got greasy too..... you should have seen me all dirty and greasy.
My dad and stepmonster are coming up to visit this weekend...... gads - help me! they are very very religious and very very boring...... it will be a looooooong visit.... they are here for 3 days.......... they are going to take the bus around here too to be thrifty..... for Chrissakes that means that they are going to want to come here and hang out for a while - I have to hide my roomate's pipes and bongs and get rid of the beer a booze bottles..... and hope that the roomates don't come home and spark up or something........ oh well - i have lived through worse.
Ok then SG-landers....... I'm off to do some chores around the house..... don't so anything I wouldn't do - unless it is fun..... hehe
just to prove I am still alive......

Plus a real life picture. Sigh. I must be in heaven. Youa re so cute.