ok - so i changed my pic again - hehe that's a gemini for ya.........
More Blogs
Friday May 14, 2004
the moon does a dance in a back alley black studebaker rolls silentl… -
Thursday May 13, 2004
the pipe organ told a story of a dead-end street full of people … -
Wednesday May 12, 2004
Buenos dias. Like sands through the hourglass so are the daze of ou… -
Tuesday May 11, 2004
Toosday! I almost put in the lyrics to the song Ruby Tuesday by the … -
Monday May 10, 2004
Ok so it's Monday- so what? I want to just throw this day into the g… -
Sunday May 09, 2004
A marbled landscape seen through eyes of time tunnel vision pinpoi… -
Saturday May 08, 2004
Through two crystal jewels in our head We absorb light, form imag… -
Friday May 07, 2004
Ah yes, Friday at long last - not that I have any great plans for the… -
Thursday May 06, 2004
Ok, so last night was a reminder of who not to go out with. I went o… -
Wednesday May 05, 2004
Ok - it's as Wednesday as it's going to get. I could wait till the m…