ok - so i changed my pic again - hehe that's a gemini for ya.........
More Blogs
Thursday Apr 15, 2004
Why do I even get up? Why do I try to write anything this early? Hm… -
Wednesday Apr 14, 2004
What can you expect of a day that begins with getting up in the morni… -
Tuesday Apr 13, 2004
Well, I actually got some homework done, about time eh? I have a fuc… -
Tuesday Apr 13, 2004
Tuesday it is. Ok, so I need a job that allows me to sleep in more, … -
Monday Apr 12, 2004
Ok, got up early, which is a bad start to any day. Took my Spanish t… -
Sunday Apr 11, 2004
Sigh.....I totally wasted the day without getting any of my homework … -
Sunday Apr 11, 2004
Yeah, ok, so I am up now. Slept my hangover away. I am looking outs… -
Sunday Apr 11, 2004
shit, it is 4 am and I am still up. went out partying and I wish I l… -
Saturday Apr 10, 2004
Ah yes, Saturday.......to sleep in. Even though sleep is over-rated … -
Friday Apr 09, 2004
Today was a drag getting up after a long night of partying. Got a sm…