Went to the Floater show last night - wasn't too bad, but they didn't play the songs I wanted to hear....... oh well. It was like a fuckin sauna in there - they need better ventilation in that old building. There was a huge fight in the mosh pit. It was like a huge mass of sweaty slimy bodies in there, squirming like eels. I stayed at the fringes of the pit - as I have mellowed with my age. The last time I was in a mosh pit was not good........ some guy kept grabbing my neck repeatedly. So after enough times I got pissed and pushed him a bit hard and he went sailing and landed on his head - knocked him out. So - I - uh dont do mosh pits much anymore.
Came home and took a shower after sweating a gallon of water there in the Wow Hall oven.... Chilled out and went to bed.
Today is homework homework homework. I have an oral exam in Spanish tomorrow - ack! I have a lot of reading to do also. Going to make some lasagne later - from scratch too. Woohoo!
Came home and took a shower after sweating a gallon of water there in the Wow Hall oven.... Chilled out and went to bed.
Today is homework homework homework. I have an oral exam in Spanish tomorrow - ack! I have a lot of reading to do also. Going to make some lasagne later - from scratch too. Woohoo!
y tu hablas espaol tamben? Hay muchas cosas que tenemos en comn. Mire para el dibujo de DaVinci en su correo electronico muy pronto. Hasta y buen suerte.

Good luck on your oral!!! I hope you got some homework done yesterday. You can come over and cook for me. Oh, and I've never heard of Floater.