The town council in Greenleaf, Idaho, has OK'd a new gun law; it all but requires every homeowner to have one.
There's an exception for people who have strong objections, because of religious beliefs, for instance. But the idea is to help make sure town residents can protect themselves from outsiders if need be. Citing Hurricane Katrina, the measure's sponsor says, "We could get refugees."
The law is kind of redundant. About 80 percent of Greenleaf's adults already own guns. The mayor says he owns about 25.
Still, Greenleaf doesn't have a big crime problem. It was founded by pacifist Quakers, and the most violent offense reported in the past two years was a fist fight.
Even after the usual disappointments after the elections, I still love this country:
I remember having a real bad case of refugees living in Florida...They sprung up on my lawn over night and camped there for about 3 and a half weeks. Geez, I wish had a gun then. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA