Inconsiderate assholes piss me right the hell off! I just returned from what was supposed to be a relaxing camping trip in the mountains but instead turned into a nightmare. Some fuck-offs left broken bottles scattered all over the campsite we stayed at and we didn't realize it until my dog stepped on the glass and nearly sliced her pad clean off her paw.
So the whole week was spent cleaning and rewrapping her gaping wound every time she chewed off the bandage and cursing the sons of bitches who were too fucking lazy to clean up their trash. I also spent a number of hours cleaning up the site so that the next person to visit it would not have a similar unfortunate experience.
List of shit I found:
So the whole week was spent cleaning and rewrapping her gaping wound every time she chewed off the bandage and cursing the sons of bitches who were too fucking lazy to clean up their trash. I also spent a number of hours cleaning up the site so that the next person to visit it would not have a similar unfortunate experience.
List of shit I found:
Countless broken bottles
2 Maxi pads
5 wads of nasty used toilet paper (just laying out in the open)
3 Capri Suns
1 barrett
16 .22 shells
4 torn open tin cans (that could have also cut a foot or paw)
2 Miller Lite cans
1 very large piece of 1/4 inch steel that someone tried to burn
So... the next time I see someone litter I am going to shoot the fool.
Good for you. Just be sure to pick up the shell(s).
Good for you, I hate people that are so inconsiderate especially when they end up hurting something, like your dog, I hope she's doing o.k.