Spent all day yesterday in philly for the Dad Vail regatta. It was a good time to go and cheer on my old team and see some old alumni friends. I still think there's no better way to spend a lazy weekend than at a regatta.
It's mothers day so remember to wish your moms and grandmas a happy day and don't forget about any friends you may have that are single moms. I'm pretty sure they'd enjoy the good wishes just as much.
Off to Jersey today to spend time with the somewhat extended family. Should be a good time or at least provide good comedy. It's funny how as you get older you can start to see through some of the pretenses and bullshit that goes on with your extended fam. Good times
It's mothers day so remember to wish your moms and grandmas a happy day and don't forget about any friends you may have that are single moms. I'm pretty sure they'd enjoy the good wishes just as much.
Off to Jersey today to spend time with the somewhat extended family. Should be a good time or at least provide good comedy. It's funny how as you get older you can start to see through some of the pretenses and bullshit that goes on with your extended fam. Good times


Have fun in Jersey with the fam!