So seis de mayo went alot better than cinco de mayo....drinking some sake, watching movies, and playing video games with friends....good times had by all.

now i just have my hours of sunday training to do whatever
if only sunday really was a day of rest for me. tongue
LOL yeah....we should go Horin again soon!

But with 2 bottles this time, we WTFPWNED the one.
sounds like a good weekend....I wish I had some Sake...lucky bastard!
grrr, i hate how i'll go out an have a great time with some friends and just get out of the house but when i come home and it hits me that im home alone again it just kinda taints the whole thing....

i really wish i knew how to stop that
gee, I have NO IDEA what that's like...

no idea at all...


Happy "pretend you're mexican so you have an excuse to drink" day.....otherwise known as Cinco De Mayo biggrin

Hope everyone has a good one.
So after my brief visit to feeling sorry for myself I'm back realizing that things really are going well for me.

Looks like I should start my job for real on the 15th. Which is good since I just got my car insurance bill and I'll need to be paying for that tongue I just need to take care of a few other loose ends and...
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yup you're right! Stop complaining!!! mad

hehe just kidding! You still have 13 days off, take it easy man!!!
So yeah...i have tons of things going for me and working out for me yet i still find myself upset and lonely tonight. Just feels like theres one small part of me thats broken and it fucks up the whole thing.....

at least i should start making money soon
I know that feeling.

soooo yeah...

passed the test today w00t....go me. Get to FINALLY start getting paid. So thats cool.

Still want to party......i dont get this urge very often but damn i just want to get some good booze and good people together and see what happens.
So, feeling quite tired right now....

Got a big test tomorrow I need to pass so i can start my new job. Job=money=happy lex....its just that easy....to bad the test is quite the pain in the ass.

Really starting to feel this desire to have a party....I havent been to a good party in such a long time and just wanna have an awesome evening...
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speaking of parties, I'm trying to plan an SGDelaware gathering. I was thinking of maybe bowling. Would you be into that?

Good luck on your test!
yay! oh, and speaking of being social, I want to see you and Andrew. I had so much fun the last time I hung out with the two of you. I'm never online at the same time as him anymore though and we can't seem to coordinate to even have coffee.
So right now while sitting in my room on a rainy Saturday night one thing comes to mind.....

Sam: You're in it right now, aren't you?
Andrew Largeman: What?
Sam: My mom always says that, when she can see I'm like working something out in my head, she's like, 'you're in it right now' and I'm looking at you're telling this story, and you're definitely...
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awesome movie
One of my all-time favorite movies, and one of the best scenes ever. I know it by heart. biggrin
so here's a fun update:

Just passed my belt test tonight....one more test and i'll have my black belt which would be awesome. It'd essentially be the culmination of a 6-7 year journey spanning two school and one year of complete dissalusion with the art.

I also heard back from a boarding school I applied to for a teaching/coaching position and the director of hiring...
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sooooooooooooo its been a long long time since an update.

So whats new???

-hopefully starting a new job in may
-could be getting a job in NJ to teach
-an overwhelming desire to get the hell out of delaware

not sure if i still have anyone that even checks here anymore but whatever, we'll certainly see.

you said "interweb" that only confirms my point about weirdos tongue
hi hi! welcome back! biggrin
Welcome to SGPhilly smile
Hey, what's up wth you joining SGPhilly and not SGDelaware? Do you not have any state loyalty? tongue
Soooooooooooooooo yeah,

That thing with that girl and the amazing kiss.....yeah that led nowhere fast. Mind you that it had nothing to do with anything I did. To quote her "Please continue to be the sweet chivalrous guy you are" So I obviously did something right but apparently there's the following, "But the bottom line is that there is someone at home that i really...
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Go check out Gadget in her first set. I think she looks like that girl there, especially in this picture:

(you have to add the heavy eye makeup in your head)

It was fun hanging out tonight! smile
That sucks dude. Its probably for the best though, better you get blown off early than late I'd say. smile