Sometimes I have to consider the possibility of the existence of devil-gnomes or some similar mischievous force. The wallet is back It was in my car. I swear that I searched incredibly thoroughly and still, it eluded me. So Ive cancelled my credit/debit/ATM cards and informed the bank that anyone with my out-of-state ID is not permitted to use my account. This means I have no access to my account now until I get my new Georgia State ID/Driver License and/or my new credit/debit/ATM cards.
I cant get a new Georgia State ID or Driver License without a Motor Vehicles Report from my previous state of residence. My previous state of residence doesnt accept requests for the Motor Vehicles Report via facsimile (due to the $10 charge involved) or electronically (due to the Cro-Magnon state of government there.)
This means that I have to wait close to a month for the report before I can even attempt my next go-round with the DMV. And while it really isnt that difficult, this whole process has been incredibly time consuming. In the midst of solving the problem it seems so ironic that with all the hurdles and bullshit trouble, theres so many incidences of identity theft/fraud and cases of people getting fake IDs and such that check out. How is it that I, as a legitimate US citizen, have so much trouble with defining who I am to this bureaucracy?
All troubled waters are eventually calmed.
Last night, we went out to East Side Lounge and the little eatery/bar across the street (forgot the name the Earl?) for beers and Irish Carbombs. Drinks and dancing at ESL was fun; I got to meet a friend of a friend that was very cool and totally not SG related. Also, the Lennys meet up went well. Good turn out, fun dancing afterwards at Azul/Decatur Social Club. Some kids that came through my lab back at school in Florida were there and we had a good chat for a while. It was nice to meet some of the newer SG kids too, and to see all you semi-regular kids out.
Ive had some very generous sponsors for these evenings out; youre much appreciated. Its been humbling of late for me to have to do so much insanity on my cash. Ive never had to do so much wrangling and finagling like this before. But at the same time Ive always had family to fall back on in tight times and Ive had to reduce and remove that crutch of late. Its just been a few rough spots but its seems to be stretching; this is really my first time in my life that Ive been financially independent and its tough enough without the compounding of the problem by losing my wallet. Ive been very fortunate in my life, and continue to be; my heart feels for those who have not been as fortunate as I for as difficult as my life seems at times, I know its truly not that bad. I know that it will pass, and things will get better.
So the weather has been absolutely awesome here: balmy and clear. My nose is slightly sunburnt from the 2.5 hour lunch I had outside on the patio with the crew from work which included my two superiors (the senior editors) and the two other assistant editors. We had pitchers and nice food and just yakked about nothing. I have an excellent job.
Do me a favor and feed some positive to Wild_Zero? He seems to need some goodness in his direction.
I cant get a new Georgia State ID or Driver License without a Motor Vehicles Report from my previous state of residence. My previous state of residence doesnt accept requests for the Motor Vehicles Report via facsimile (due to the $10 charge involved) or electronically (due to the Cro-Magnon state of government there.)
This means that I have to wait close to a month for the report before I can even attempt my next go-round with the DMV. And while it really isnt that difficult, this whole process has been incredibly time consuming. In the midst of solving the problem it seems so ironic that with all the hurdles and bullshit trouble, theres so many incidences of identity theft/fraud and cases of people getting fake IDs and such that check out. How is it that I, as a legitimate US citizen, have so much trouble with defining who I am to this bureaucracy?
All troubled waters are eventually calmed.
Last night, we went out to East Side Lounge and the little eatery/bar across the street (forgot the name the Earl?) for beers and Irish Carbombs. Drinks and dancing at ESL was fun; I got to meet a friend of a friend that was very cool and totally not SG related. Also, the Lennys meet up went well. Good turn out, fun dancing afterwards at Azul/Decatur Social Club. Some kids that came through my lab back at school in Florida were there and we had a good chat for a while. It was nice to meet some of the newer SG kids too, and to see all you semi-regular kids out.
Ive had some very generous sponsors for these evenings out; youre much appreciated. Its been humbling of late for me to have to do so much insanity on my cash. Ive never had to do so much wrangling and finagling like this before. But at the same time Ive always had family to fall back on in tight times and Ive had to reduce and remove that crutch of late. Its just been a few rough spots but its seems to be stretching; this is really my first time in my life that Ive been financially independent and its tough enough without the compounding of the problem by losing my wallet. Ive been very fortunate in my life, and continue to be; my heart feels for those who have not been as fortunate as I for as difficult as my life seems at times, I know its truly not that bad. I know that it will pass, and things will get better.
So the weather has been absolutely awesome here: balmy and clear. My nose is slightly sunburnt from the 2.5 hour lunch I had outside on the patio with the crew from work which included my two superiors (the senior editors) and the two other assistant editors. We had pitchers and nice food and just yakked about nothing. I have an excellent job.
Do me a favor and feed some positive to Wild_Zero? He seems to need some goodness in his direction.

It was good to see you, sorry we didn't stay too long