I had a great time last night with all those that came out for SUSHI! at RuSan's, Thanks for meeting up! I also got to meet PoshPunk711 & KatFireBlade for the first time. I feel really bad, though, 'cause between RuSan and The Local we lost my third new meet, Darling_Nikki! She's a really nice girl, and cute too!
Once done with dinner, TeamJamanda, wyspurr, & KatFireBlade all took off and I was able to catch a ride with TwigTech for the rest of the eve. So we had a brief stint at The Local, where we added UltimateLewser and Oryon for a minute. I guess Lew wasn't feeling very sociable; he didn't really seem to want to stick around for long and the two of them took off directly before we went to MJQ.
The remainder of us (Llona, Bossanova, PoshPunk711, TwigTech, and myself) ended up staying for a while, with a few drinks and bouncing back and forth between the hiphop & main rooms, trying all the while to avoid the drips and leaks coming from above as the rain drizzled in through the aging structure.. Llona and I danced and danced and danced, Bossanova danced a bit and loved the company of a tall, dark gentleman
but neither TwigTech or PoshPunk711 danced at all (that I saw). We ended up running into 3030Vision and his girl a little later, which was definitely good stuff.
Llona is a 100% GradeA, USDA Approved Wicked Dance Queen! She's got more moves than a six point pivot assembly, and she looks a thousand times better doing it too! It was a challenge to keep up and I had a great time trying. I am soooo looking forward to next time...
PoshPunk and Bossanova took off about 1ish? and we stayed until the last ragga record was spun; laughing at the drunks and slopsters as we made our way into the wet night again. Our next stop: The Majestic, of course!
"The time has come," the Llona said,
"To talk of many things:
Of life -- and pasts -- and genetic maps --
Of technologies -- and things..."
So we proceded with a conversation fusing the past and the future with politics and religion and science fiction, making a stew of our anthropology and technology while spicing it with sprigs of literature and fears and dreams.
We finally split about 4:30-5AM or so. I had to be at work at 9AM and was only a couple of minutes late.
Thank you all, once again, for a great evening. I hope more of you can make it next time!
Once done with dinner, TeamJamanda, wyspurr, & KatFireBlade all took off and I was able to catch a ride with TwigTech for the rest of the eve. So we had a brief stint at The Local, where we added UltimateLewser and Oryon for a minute. I guess Lew wasn't feeling very sociable; he didn't really seem to want to stick around for long and the two of them took off directly before we went to MJQ.
The remainder of us (Llona, Bossanova, PoshPunk711, TwigTech, and myself) ended up staying for a while, with a few drinks and bouncing back and forth between the hiphop & main rooms, trying all the while to avoid the drips and leaks coming from above as the rain drizzled in through the aging structure.. Llona and I danced and danced and danced, Bossanova danced a bit and loved the company of a tall, dark gentleman

Llona is a 100% GradeA, USDA Approved Wicked Dance Queen! She's got more moves than a six point pivot assembly, and she looks a thousand times better doing it too! It was a challenge to keep up and I had a great time trying. I am soooo looking forward to next time...
PoshPunk and Bossanova took off about 1ish? and we stayed until the last ragga record was spun; laughing at the drunks and slopsters as we made our way into the wet night again. Our next stop: The Majestic, of course!
"The time has come," the Llona said,
"To talk of many things:
Of life -- and pasts -- and genetic maps --
Of technologies -- and things..."
So we proceded with a conversation fusing the past and the future with politics and religion and science fiction, making a stew of our anthropology and technology while spicing it with sprigs of literature and fears and dreams.
We finally split about 4:30-5AM or so. I had to be at work at 9AM and was only a couple of minutes late.

Thank you all, once again, for a great evening. I hope more of you can make it next time!

I just noticed that Vanilla Sky is listed as one of your favorites. You might already know this but I will mention it anyway. That movie was based on a Spanish movie called Abre Los Ojos. I lived overseas for a bit and saw it when it came out over there. I really enjoyed it. It has Penelope Cruz in it too (god is she hot!) I have it on DVD if you want to compare and contrast sometime. Ciao cutie.