I'm sorry I haven't been active much. I'm taking a cosmetology course so I've been busy with that.
I hope everyone had a good labor day weekend! smile

As for my next photo set I'm in the process of getting another one together! smile

- Rhage
Hope your course is going well, and hope you have a great Labour Day as well. Looking forward to that new set wink
Soooo I've been ubber busy since the year began but I'm making an effort to start getting on here and being more active than I have been.
Kinda hard when I gotta work all the time but I"ll do it for you guys smile
Hope everyone is having a wonderful new year and it has been great for you guys so far!

Sorry I"m not really fantastic at keeping up a blog to let you guys know whats doing in the world of Rhage.
Anyway, in my set that was posted there were alot of comments on the photography.
I know it wasn't that great but the next set will be SOOOOOOOOOO much better I promise you.
I want my pics to look amazing for you...
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Merry Christmas.
So my set went live today!
Thanks to everyone that has given me their support so far!!
About to head to work be in touch soon!! :-)
Love the set you are very sexy love it
hope everything works outARRR!!!
Sooooo my set goes live tomorrow!!!!
I"m fucking excited! Kinda nervous but its a great feeling!! =]
you are a very beautiful young woman,great set,your eyes are fierce,but yet seductive ARRR!!!
Thank you!
Sooooo only about two weeks before my set goes live!!!
Super excited about that! smile

Sorry I haven't been on but here and there I try to get on as much as possible but work makes that hard lol, but I"m sure most of you guys understand.

But I hope everyone is doing grand!!
Good luck on your set cutie!
Thanks a ton!
Sorry I haven't been on in a while guys.
Due to the lack of internet I only get on when I can frown
I'm trying to get around to talking to everyone but its a bit hard lol.
If I haven't gotten to you yet feel free to message or comment me, I don't bite....hard wink
Hey, no biting during flu season shocked
Lol no no biting during flu season =P
its too congatious
So this morning we get woken up to a call that says our tattoo shop has been broken into.
Front window busted out. Took a laptop and a fake glock.
What kind of piece of shit would rob a tattoo shop that has no money left in it at night and take a laptop and fake gun?
Dumb fucks.
That certainly sucks! I hope the insurance company takes good care of you to replace the window and laptop.
Some people are just a waste of space huh? Lol.

I"m sorry about your kia though dear that blows
Hey Hey Hey!!
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, I"ve been sick for the past few days and I had to work as well.
Kinda sucks but gotta make that money smile
But I"m back and better!

Hi everyone! New blog time!!

So Zombieland was the shit! Go see it smile
Last night Chris and I went to the fair it was pretty fun. I won a pretty big spongebob, a flaming turtle, and purple dolphin haha!
Got schemed out of 64 bucks and got pissed lol.
Anyway if you'd like to chat hit me up smile
i want to go see that movie!biggrin
Haha dude I soooooo recommend it! Its funny as shit! biggrin