That's a super pic!
I mean this potential writing gig pays next to nothing. The amount I would get would hardly make it worth my time doing it. But I need to do something that will get me back in the swing of writing and maybe I could leapfrog it into something more profitable.
I learned how to play "Guitar Hero" last night. biggrin

Now I really, really want the 80's edition.
good times, innit? smile

i want that new one, too.
That game looks Extremely Good and I really want it.
Woke up at 5:45 AM

Went to Meijer at 7:00 AM and purchased new Harry Potter book

Sat in parking lot at work and read for about an hour

Worked from 8:30 - 5:00

Came home and started reading

Finished book at 12:12 AM

My eyes feel like they're going to fall out of my head. surreal

I need to go digest everything. As tired as...
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My day was similar:
woke up at 7 am
Left for work at 7:50
Arrived at Meijer at 8:20
Began reading book until 8:30
worked 8:30-4:45
Came home
Finished book at 8:30
felt like a loser
went to party
tried to stay sober enough to not spoil the ending...
Also, then I reread it and digested then... but it was amazing... and my eyes did feel like they were going to fall out of their head...

p.s.... I miss you...
I have internet in the new place now. Yay!

Everything's coming together really well. Now I just need furniture. tongue Hooray for Craigslist and friends who want to get rid of stuff. I might get a sleeper sofa and chair from my boss, but I'm not sure. For now, I'm sitting in my camping chair (my cheap-ass $20 computer chair broke just before I moved).

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I grew up there, and it's where my friends and family live. I miss them.
oooo i'd love to go back to Toronto. Such a great city.

yes, i'm in the middle of my 4th month... on one hand i feel like it is going fast, on the other hand some things are so sloooowwww. smile
My landlord got a hold of me tonight (after quite a bit of pestering on my part). I get to move on Monday! Yay! As soon as I get off of work, I'm going to grab the truck and meet a couple of friends at my current place. Then, it's off to the new one, which is all of four blocks away! biggrin This is going...
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Dholokov called me last night. I was upstairs, without a clock in sight (they're packed), so I didn't realize we'd been talking for nearly eight hours by the time I said, "I feel kind of tired. I should go to bed." Once I closed my phone, I noticed it was almost 3:00 AM. Luckily, he called me, so I'm not going to pay a cent,...
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late august i think
Chicago is a very cool town ...

Congrats on almost being finished with the degree.

And I agree with Kurt Vonnegut that librarians are some of the best people on the Earth.
My friend, Chip, is back in town for the summer. You may remember some entries last summer in which I expressed sadness over his moving to Vermont for school. Well, he's back: the poor boy is taking Calculus 3 at WCC. Ick. Regardless, his mathematic plight means I get to hang out with him for a while before he returns to rural life.

We decided...
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Tired of sitting home on a Tuesday night?
Like to bowl, drink, or both?
Want to meet some fellow SG members?

Than, I've got something for you!

Come bowl in Grand Rapids!

If you are not in the SGKalamazoo group, feel free to join.
Too lazy / shy to do that or still waiting on approval? We will be at AMF Comet Lanes on 141 28th St in Grand Rapids, Tuesday June 26th at 8pm. It's conveniently located a few blocks east of 131!

Got question? Post them in the thread in the group or ask me!

Hope to see you there!!!
Something crossed my mind while taping boxes tonight:

"There's no such thing as too many books."

Whoever said that obviously never packed up and moved every 8-12 months...
I shall email you my secret identity shortly! I thought you already had it!

And not only is it the first time I will be an uncle, it will be the first child of my family's next generation on my mother's side (some cousins on father's side have children but none on mom's). It is extra good because my maternal grandmother be will be alive to see her great grandchildren.
What?! Well that's just silly now isn't it. Where are you nowadays anyways because I might be out Toronto way in oct/nov maybe you'll be nearish?
I just got home from a cousin's high school graduation party. It was pretty bizarre. I remember when he was born. It was strange to see him all grown up, ready to go to MSU to study Criminal Justice. He's handsome and tall and intelligent and MAKES ME FEEL OLD.

One of my other cousins is a senior now, and she and I were talking...
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Yes that is a silly description of the police..

Hey, how do you manipulate your identification to locate you in fake places like this Ysplainti, MI?
Total fake town - can't believe it, won't believe it. But it was adorable how you made up all the fake history so quick.

dholokov was the rakish charmer in war and peace who tempts the faithfullness of the countessa buzhnikov.

Back for three months, I suppose.
it is perfectly acceptable for non-Toronto residents to cheer for Ottawa, so you should not feel bad.
I am eating spaghetti, watching "Cosby Show" reruns, and drinking lemonade. The kitties are playing on my bed, and it's finally cool enough to sleep properly. I am happy. smile

Work did not suck today, and I took TWO lunch breaks. (Shhhh.)

I came home to find a wedding invitation from a guy I dated in high school and remained close friends with. He's getting married...
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ok, TWO blogs since victoria? and not even a "ElizaGirl was nice" footnote?! HRMPH.

you comin' here in August?