yesterday i had a cool and crazy day, me and Ariane made around 600 pics, so itll be enough stuff for my next set.
and in the evening i had a mishap, I locked myself out of my flat! that was so stupid! I wanted to bring my neighbour some muffins I made and took the wrong key with me and than I realized that... Read More
haha lustige story ... echt ein comedy klassiker, aber wenigstens hattest du muffins. verhungert wrst du also nicht
ist mir auch schon passiert, allerdings nicht im bademantel sondern well dressed. hatte das glck bei den nachbarn unter zu kommen bis die schwester meiner freundin da war mit dem ersatzschlssel...
Where did you find those shower curtains?! I used to watch that show all the time when I was little! I totally forget what its called, but I know I loved it!
And somehow you've made brushing teeth really sexy
Yesterday I went to the public swimming pool again, it was way too crowded to swim comfortable and I have seen lots of horrible things!
Well, on some men you can see clearly that people are descending from apes! I dont know why they dont shave their hairs!
so after that I went to the DVD-Library and got a nice gay porn for to... Read More
hi there! Today I was at the civic swimming pool becqause I thought I could use some sports ......
well..... I think it is unfair that I have to pay entry for it.... I think they should give me money when I go there they all strare at me as if i was the first tattood womed in the world.... Well, I would like to... Read More
Mmm... Honestly, I'd be hard pressed not to stare at you in a civic swimming pool, but not because you're strange, but because I like to admire other people's good bodyart work. Sometimes I stare, but I always try to speak to the person and let them know I appreciate their work.
your set is just amazing, i don't know where to start, the photography is gorgeous, you are a true beauty, stunning eyes, perfect body, wonderful character and personality, love your style, beautiful smila and i adore the theme for the set....
so inspiring....thank you for such wonderful