Yay for more pictures of you! It's actually a bit sad to look back over past photos and not find oneself. It makes it more difficult to remember what was going on then and how one felt, or so I find.
I was always a bit more of a Trekkie than a Star Wars fan, I think. But I also had some strange fetish for the Darth Vader thing... go figure. :\
Hello, Happy Sunday to you.
Now, ready to go?
From now on, it SWS.
What is that, you might ask? Well, allow me to respond:
Yep. I've decided that no matter what mood I'm in, no matter how tired I am, no matter how any alien albino zombie frogs I've defeated in one-on-one duels of mortal combat, the very... Read More
I've been having the photo up-load blues of late too.
constantly having to copy your post, back out, come back in, paste and start over,
In my sleep deprived state right now I am imagining a situation in which a wife is told her husband was an orangutan ..and she's like..dam...that would explain all the poo throwing, and the mashing bananas in his mouth in an awful manner..and he was awful hairy come to think of it. aaaah yep i need a nap. Hope you feel better soon.
Ooops, okay so I'll do my 2011 wrap up tomorrow.
Three days into 2012.
Thank god my New Years Resolution was to stop procrastinating.
I think that was to stop chronically masturbating.
Just kidding.
It was to stop procrastinating about chronically masturbating, obviously.
Okay, I'm totally joking. Actually, I've been feeling pretty crappy with a sore throat so I've been communing with the... Read More
I<3,<3<3 jeff goldblum i want him in my stocking for reals....you as well you cheeky monkey. I will totally need your address if you would like your baby hippo sent. The shipping is going to be a bitch so i totally hope it brings you hours of joy.....If i am stuffed into the stocking with St. Cyr i am totally stepping on him to climb out...sorry dude...lol