I float out the window
and watch everything go by
I see all my fears
like clouds up in the sky
I wonder if it will rain
I feel like I could cry
but nothing comes but the wind
and it blows it all away
after all of these years
I've forgotten how to pray
Where is the rainbow?
how do I get to find...
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In twenty-four hours, my comments have offended three people. One out of confusion, I still don't understand what's going on. one because the person accused me (my company) of something so I argued back, which the person realized they had made a mistake. I didn't need to go off on them. I had the facts on my side. The other person, I assumed too much...
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...and thusly I avoid the boards these days. Assholery is the new black.

Vote for dravesuicide at youtube's 2006 Miss Horrorfest. It's a very creepy video of miss fallen angel, minus her wings in a bloody ally after the fall. Too much knowledge can bring even the best of us down. quite biblical in a marilyn manson sort of way.


Hehe. Thanks for putting that up there and also thanks for watching my video. Yeah Im up on the front page now until they change it again. Thats really what I wanted was to be on the front page of course you know I wouldn't mind winning Miss Horrorfest.. LoL.

The tattoo shop helped me shoot this video. It was soooo fun making it. I wil be adding lots of photos of me hehe..while I was getting ready and during the video..

Billy ( the guy who tattooed my angel on my arm) really did a lot of the video as well as Joe another tattoo artist..

I will be putting a longer version of the video up on youtube sometime in the next couple of weeks and guess what! Now that I have a cord to hook up to the computer I will make more and more videos! lol.

Im sopposed to be studying for my statistics test tomorrow. :/
Let me go study..
But id rather type..
well that's just fuckin great....not at ALL what i was talking about....


I've decided that from now on, when I see something that is obviously wrong, like an embarrassing mistake someone made, that I am not going to point it out. I figure the severity of the embarrassment isn't punctuated by my pointing it, but instead it only shows how much of an asshole I am.

Well, I may have to reconsider that the next time I...
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Please point out all mistakes I make..Thank you..LoL

Midterms SUCK!!!! So bad I skipped 2 of them...and gota doctors note becuz Ive got a cold and a sore throat and I didnt think that I needed to take 2 of the test feeling like shit. I hope they let m emake them up..Ive been slacking off sooo bad in school.. I just need this weekend to get my hit together again you know?

I will have picture sometime soon I hope! My dress was red. It was a pretty dress.. although I had to wear a jacket over it becuz my mom wanted me to cover up my tattoos.
yes, you should reconsider making that a blanket-rule. there are some situations which deserve to be highlighted, and our president is often part of them.

the tango was awesome. we skipped a very basic step at one point, but managed to do all the important flashy things perfectly and recovered our time so well that no one had a clue. and the indian food rocked, although i was so into things that i barely had any. and then all the old people we thought would hate it ATE IT ALL! we had just a few small boxes to bring home. but that meant everyone had to pass up cake and so now i've been stuffing my face with sweets for a week. gross.

sg is a neat, neat place, but i just can't justify it, you know? i've been silently complaining to myself that i'm losing touch with the earth and what's real and important in life... and here i sit typing away to someone i'll never meet on a website... and do websites even count as reality??? sigh.

you know... i never noticed your "i lost my virginity" edit. that was a long time ago that we had that conversation!

edited : midnight:

I chickened out. I clicked uncancel. I am here for at least three more months. No promises after that.
Yeaaaaa u didnt leave..ehh. Sorry I have been meaning to write you but my moms wedding was this weekend so I had been bizzy all week helping her set everything up and Saturday she was married it was a very pretty wedding and when I get pictures I will be sure to put them up!..
Man I have midtterms this week>>!!! Doesnt that SUCK??????? Im so worried im going to fail them..becuz I havent studied...ehh..Ive been bizzy today writing a paper instead of studying!
sex-tion, Hehehe. Yeah, my first impulse is likewise to tell the writer what story I want them to write - it's been a hard habbit to break and I relaps sometimes. I'm glad that my writing has inspired you to write - that is a compliment indeed. When you do have your ideas on paper I'll workshop them with you if you want. I know what you mean by using a different vocabulary for ecpression. When I went to Germany in highschool I started thinking in pictures and hand gesutes by the end of it because I didn't speak very good German at all.Since I could't use word I had to communicate with a different vocabulary . . . it was kinda fun to be honest

I'm glad you're here for another three months! I'll remeber to start pestering you to stay when the time limit is nearing it's end. That's december right?
I just read WilWheaton's rant "A Statement of Conscience". I find myself with little audience on the grandstage. I am grateful that he was able to put such eloquence to feelings that I greatly share. I realize now that to an extent it is my responsibility to motivate those that I encounter on the small scale/local level to act for changes that would put an...
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lol...There will be bags EVERYWHERE..LoL I went and cleaned my room Sunday and I have BAgs and BAgs everywhere..hehe..But good thing is.....
I bought some like uh storage bins...so I am starting to get myself off of the BAg addiction and onto something a little more healty like a bin collection...LoL... kiss
nevermind? are you ok? i miss you!

A life in one act.:
<raise curtains>
Alone. Silence. occasional farting. Nothing. Lots of nothing. conscious/sub conscious self- judgments. ignorant of true self. Henchman are called to do business. Axes at the ready. Escape. School, drawing, sculpting, alone, play with cat, eat, sleep, dream of constricted blobs--"I am exactly who I should be!",wake up, back to sleep chasing dreams,Henchmen go home, life not worth ending,...
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i have already commented on this....elsewhere
i will make time to call you tonite.
I've been having muddled dreams too . . .

great new profile pic btw
I've been wallowing for weeks now in self-doubt and self-pity. Why? It only makes life unbearable. Rather than doing what I love and enjoy, doing what needs done so I can live a long healthy life, I've been wasting my time suffering through mind numbing TV and food. I am so sick of just barely existing. WTF? Don't get me wrong, things are getting better....
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Don't know how i helped, or even if i really did, but i'm glad it helped. And it;s always nice seeing your name in other peoples journals. Hells, it's the simple things really, innit?

Glad you're out of your funk. Realising your barely surviving is hte hardest part, it's actually kind of easy to get out of a rut once you realise that you badly need out. I hope you find it easy. Hobbies and friends help, big time.

A strop is a temper tantrum. Like, "Daisy had a strop cuz zef ate the last slice of cake and left her none". You see? Proper good word that comes in handy, let me tell you.

No, people in Ireland usually learn to drive about 17/18 but i'm scared of learning to drive. I know it sounds stupid, but....

I can't believe how much people like my box idea. I never understood why people throw out things boy/girlfriends have given them after a break up. Even if it was bad. You still shared times and feelings with them, and those are tokens of that time for you to look back on and remember fondly. Or in my case, when boyfriendy acts up, and i'm wondering why exactly i like them, i have a box o sweetness to trawl through. I like my boxes. Wouldn't throw them out for the world.

Sorry for blipping. blush kiss
Self doubt! ..ehh dont fall into that!!!!
You know you help me out soo much what would I do without my gaurdian angels of you on my shoulders..helping me out..
I need to have a picture of myself and have a devil you on one shoulder and an angel on the other..
Im sick of barely existing too..so I know what you been I need to get my ass up and go do something other than Stumble into school and then work and sleep and the routine all over again!
Hehe hows class going? Oh and I update what my moms converstation was about.
Sorry for the delay...ive been bizzy..I hate being bizzy like...today for example I had like 50 things to do but im only going to hav etime to do one thing..Grrr..IF only I didnt need sleep. lol..
what difference does it make?
Hey, it's about a month late, but thank you very very much for the comment on my set. I think that set is very me, cheap and cheerful, and thanks for taking the time to comment. kiss

Now, what difference does what make? I'm intrigued.
Now that you put it like that, i guess that makes a bit of sense. I mean, if you're trying to be the bloke that girls will want you're not being true to yourself. You seem like a clever, nice guy. Girls will like that, as long as you'rwe being true to yourself. A girl who loves you for you will come along, trust me on that, cuz decent guys win out eventually.

As for not belonging here, i feel like that too sometimes. I look at sets, sometimes. (Which i probably shouldn't say, cuz i put my all out there, and hope people like it, and when other people do, i don't look....) and the groups offer a lot, sometimes. But there are groups for everyone. Look around, go into chat, there are some nice people here, and you'll find something for you. I hope. Even if you don't, keep looking at the pretty girls.

No, i don't think i;m cuntish either, i just like that word. blush You seem nice, i like when people are nice on the internet. kiss
I had my first critique of the semster in my drawing class on Wednesday morning. I only spent three-four hours on the drawing, which is an abstracted african art inspired self-portrait, using conte crayons (earthy chalks). It's an african-inspired mask that resembles me. I'll post picts when I get it back. It was well received but I knew it needed more work. During the one-on-one...
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Hmm my old highschool art teacher would always teach me about african art. It was interesting. YEAH post pics when you get it back that would be great! I love seeing your artwork posted! Ehh LOL my cat has been walking acrosss the books im reading. LOL.

Oh and yeah..see thats a secret that I told...I do dig blonde chicks with tans...
but I dig SG's more. lol. surreal