Today has not been a great day for good news frown Ah well I must move on I guess.

So I went shopping this afternoon and instead of buying the usual junk I bought a bunch of vegetables and fruits. I'm determined to get back to my healthy eating habits and get back to the shape I was in before I got sick last year (I.E...
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hhee i use to use my grandmas daisies smile
Thank you hun! How are you?
Its about time for another exciting installment of my life. Easter was great. I went and saw family and got away from work for the first time in ages. Sadly University assignments do not allow for much free time so it was pretty much a 5 day vacation before I had to get back to work.

More and more this semester I have started to...
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yeah well I'm not holding my breath for this weather to keep up, no doubt it will rain tomorrow frown

my easter was rather like yours, a mad flurry of assignments, and unfortunately this is still the case, ugh!

yup, but its cleared up now, so temperamental! yeah, i've only got 2 weeks left til exam leave, but it just feels waaaay too long to go


Happy Easter everybody! Have been visiting family so there will maybe be a longer blog post tomorrow smile
I'm 20 years old and yet still girls are a mystery to me but yeah girl trouble is nothing new. Anyways I had a good day today. I played with the dog for most of it (woo for uni students using their days off constructively!) and did some general housekeeping with my life. I've been getting up early these days and as a result I'm...
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My complete and utter confusion with the female species was reaffirmed about 2 weeks ago, and I'm 23! tongue Good luck pal.
Today I woke up with a neck cramp so I spent most of the day looking like a robot. This didn't actually bother me as it was fun and people giving me strange looks has never bothered me much. What did bother me was giving my 7 minute presentation on Thick & Thin Democratic Governance. Even after 5 years of basically doing a presentation every...
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Be mine love
Hmm theres a new layout and it doesn't like my web-browser. Ah well. I have been visiting the doctor and although I am still sick I am optimistic that I will be getting better after I see the specialist in a weeks time biggrin In other news...I have so many assignments due in the next few weeks its not even funny any more. I have so...
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You're cute love
So I got my blood tests back and I don't have Coeliacs disease biggrin The downside is that they still don't know what's wrong with me and it will be another two weeks of feeling like crap before I can see a specialist frown

/Emo. I have the next three days off and I will use them to catch up on a fairly large assignment load that...
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My assignment is only meant to be 1000 words long but I can only make it to 500 before I get writers block frown Anyone know a cure?
Tired and sick. I had another set of blood tests yesterday and the doctor is confidant that we will soon know what is wrong with me (mental illness aside). A few things have happened since my last update.

-Uni has started again
-I have had to quit my job at Dome frown
-I have a bajillion assignments due for uni
-I played lazer tag last night...
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SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Blood tests? Good luck with those.

Of late, I've become quite the human pincushion. Very interesting... or something like that.

What are you doing at Uni?

P.S. Hi!

Eiiish! Do you ever have those ridiculously early days? I'm not talking about the casual 9 a.m wake up after a nice 8 hour rest either. I mean the 7 a.m wildly groping at the alarm clock that is reminding you that there is a 3 hour lecture in an hour and you only really got 4 hours decent sleep after staying up thinking about...
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If my head exploded because of the amount of work I've done in the past week my boss would probably expect me to clean it up. Not that it hasn't been fun but still I wish I could still be on holiday even though I was working then too. As far as University goes I am terrified I'm gonna fail my legal studies unit. One...
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i miss you frown
We had a basketball tournament today at the Village. Each RA is responsible for getting players to come down and also getting supporters. Traditionally these are not very well attended, last year I barely went to any of them. This year I was on the other end. I had to convince all sorts of different people to attend an event they might not enjoy. I...
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chest piece as in, tattoo that goes across my chest. smile or just something that is on my chest, like sparrows.
lol yes you can indeed love more than once smile