Gah, So very many thoughts running amok in my head. This could be quite long, which as an added bonus means very few will read it. First things first though. Welcome to SG finally, mr Jimn35. I'll only say, after you get over the beautiful girls, and the sets, theres a whole lot of other content on here that you can't just find anywhere...
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Thanks for the comment on Flickr. It's good to hear from a man in a similar situation.
Anytime Posh. I've always been a fan of yours. If you need or want to chat more message me, or I'm finding the groups on SG for us single parents have a good amount of information and ideas. just getting into them myself.
Somedays I just wish I could crawl into a hole and stay away from everyone. today is one of those days, or has turned into one. tho this could just be the effects of the anesthesia. They say it does that, no serious decisions to be made within 24 hours, nor should u sign important papers or get in arguments, or apparently really talk to...
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Its been one hell of a week or two. I'm just not sure where my head is at lately. Currently I'm home after kidney stone surgery. Which wasn't needed. Last night at around midnight, I felt like a stone was going to pass, but at midnight i wasn't allowed anymore to drink or eat anything, which if you don't know, to pass stones you need...
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So, I'm too damn responsible, with all the reports of ice storm, and power outages, I set my phone alarm before bed last night. Bingo, power was out, phone went off. Got up headed to work, never worked at a car dealer where the power went out, so I didn't think anything of it. When I get there though, I realize power is out, five...
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Ditto. This winter can end any time now. Here's a huge tree limb in my front yard.
The pics don't quite show how big it is. On it's side it's taller than me and I don't even want to know how much it weighs. I'm just glad it missed the power line at the top of the pic on the way down.
The pics don't quite show how big it is. On it's side it's taller than me and I don't even want to know how much it weighs. I'm just glad it missed the power line at the top of the pic on the way down.
Ever had one of those days that starts out normal, and then it just slowly becomes more and more unusual. I've gotten into some sort of horrid mood at the moment, very melancholy, and lonely. Maybe its the weather? damn snow came back, and it was fun driving around in it, but now that I'm home, I'm trying to continue cleaning and organizing. Coming across...
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Glad I got to see you laughing.
I still smile and laugh easily. Just stuff got to me today. Going through all this stuff. meh. I'll be ok though, always am. Ain't nothing gonna get me down.
Had a pretty good day today. Slept in super super late after being out till 4am, but then I helped a buddy out with his truck, and got some stuff done around my house. Went and met someone new, had a great dinner, and delightful conversation. Similar situations in life make for excellent discourse. It is very refreshing to know that there are always new...
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OK, still feeling kinda under the weather, but its my weekend of freedom, and likely the only one I'll get for a while, so I want to make the most of it. The verdict is out on what will win, logic, or fun. Theres a show tonight at Harveys I want to go to. We shall see. Other than that, Phecda went gray today. guess...
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I love this site, because I can really just say whatever I need to say. Too many people on facebook who don't understand the situation, or can't know what was going on, I always have to edit myself, and keep myself from saying what I really want to. here I guess its like nobody knows me, though a few actually do, nobody on here is...
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I'd hang out with you if I still lived in town.....however, I've not stepped foot in Michigan in over two years.
I really want to vent, but I need sleep more. feeling like I may be getting a touch of whatever was going around. I rarely get sick, so sleep wins today. Meh to my friend. I said I was sorry, and I just get yelled at. like he never makes a fucking mistake.
Rest up and sort it when you can.
So, home of Checker Motors, Kalamazoo. Pretty cool spot.
So, home of Checker Motors, Kalamazoo. Pretty cool spot.
Awww thanks california people. So odd that its always California people who are making me feel better. =) and yea Mattacme, Checker Motors, and much more. Nice town, not too big, not too small.
So, Had a great weekend with my kiddo. She's so adorable, and smart. really makes me question some of my decisions, but still I know they were the right ones, just wish I had more time with her. not that I did when I lived with her, but ya know, grass is always greener. bleh. In other news, tomorrow is singles awareness day. gag me....
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Doctor appointment fail. I was pretty sure the kidney stones weren't gone, so while that sucks, it was pretty much expected. I was going to ask the nurse out for lunch though. She was off today, makes me kinda upset. I had my nerve all worked up and everything, then she wasn't there. Oh well. She's probably off on a long weekend with her boyfriend...
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Well damn. Pissed off my one drinking buddy in town, the day before I find out I'm still waiting for all my lawyer crap to be over. Not so into going drinking on my own. Though I did last friday, when everyone had the flu. Thursday nights gonna be a lonely one I think. Thankfully Pandora radio is helping me out with some good tunes....
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