I'd planned an eloquent, respectful, grammatically correct last blog. But now that I'm writing it for the third time because of this shit ass new site... Fuck it! I'm tired.
Adios bitches! It's been a great eight years. I'm proud to say that I've met 85% of (what was) my friends list.
"Why" you ask? "The new site?" No... Not entirely. While I am not... Read More
I'm a photographer who had a chance to shoot Nixon, Reagan, Fractal, and a couple of other of the original "greats" when they were in the twin cities during the last burlesque tour. I've been photographing a lot of pinup girls and burlesque dancers in recent months and when we heard of the SG burlesque tour, we were excited to go. But the prices!! Oy!! The cheap SRO seats were affordable, but anything else was off the charts. So that won't be happening.
Full blog soon (the one I mentioned previously)...
But in the mean time, I'm considering cancelling my account prior to the whole switch to the new SG site.
For those who may not know, SG is shutting down on Fri the 4th and launching the new site on the 7th. Given the problems with the Beta site, three days seems like a small window to... Read More
Umm...SAD/ANGRY face!!! GRRR! ;) It's your prerogative to leave, but I'd love to keep in contact. Do you have a FB? Message me with it if you care to share (I'll give you mine too).
i really miss owning a little guy, but i do enjoy my hedgie. he just isn't quite as smart or cuddly though haha (Though you'd be surprised how cuddly these spikey little dudes are!)
Skydiving is so fun!!! I can't wait to do it again!
And no I din't go downtown for fireworks, stayed on this side of the bridge and just went down to the river walk.
were you at HC?! i don't know how anyone could've missed us, we were being so goofy (not even that drunk) because we hadn't seen each other since last year's florida shootfest.
and thank you!!!! this set was really important to me, i've wanted to shoot it for soooo long. Just never had the right location/timing/etc. I am so happy with how it came together and it was really worth the wait!
I knowwww. Lord knows we're definitely going to be neesing a chauffer after today/tonight's craziness. But .. luckily here .. we're staying where the expo is being held so .. a little safer. :-P
Who among all you creative types can recommend good video editing software?
I've got all this video of skydives, motorcycle rides and mud runs that I want to do something with. But all I can do for now is take screen shots of all the action.