Hey everyone, just a little bit of news at the moment.

I have uploaded the first part of my 3D Animation project for you lovely people to enjoy. Please bear in mind that i have had very little practice with 3DS Max at the moment so the detail isnt too great.

This scene is the first part of a 007 game trailer that makes up...
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That sounds like a bit of a raw deal, I had to get my card stopped after someone hacked my ebay account or something.
Thats a great bit of animation
Bit of a short one this week, not too much to say really its been a really quiet week.

Got my initial results for the first assignment, which were the 3D models i showed on here a few weeks ago, and its really good. I got 80/100 which is pretty damn awesome! An A or First starts at 75 so im pretty damn chuffed about...
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Thank you!! biggrinkiss Good luck with school! kiss
Hey all its been a reasonably good week so far, managed to sort out all of my student loans for my final year and the renewed contracts for the house im living in, so i get to remain a slacker student for another year biggrin

Been doing lots and lots of reading, apart from the usual comics ive finished reading One of our Thursdays is Missing...
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It's undoubtedly because my taste has definitely broadened over the years,as far as music is concerned I can't get 99% of electro stuff in a shop unless I order it at my local independent shop which kind of defeats the purpose of going to the shop in the first place. It really is weird how I've gone from going into town every week and browsing in HMV and the like to only really going into town once a month or so and that's just to pick my comics up. I don't really browse anywhere aside from Waterstones and then I don't really buy anything unless it's on some offer or other.

I'm trying to cut down my frankly ridiculous expenditure on comics which was getting a bit out of hand if I'm honest. The other month I spent over 100! on one visit, that was somewhat anamolous it has to be said though. Is Madame Mirage a self contained story? Thanos Imperative does look swanky I've got Infinity Gauntlet somewhere and thought that was really good.

Thank you everyone for the kind words to my previous blog, your thoughts are greatly appreciated and i have taken them to heart. By putting it down in writing i think i could understand it better, but dont quote me on that.

I never minded how the friendship has turned out, sometimes like this weekend i sometimes wish they were different but most of the...
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And what would that be?? smile You're too awesome for words!! biggrinkisskiss
yeah, i hope the ink would be awesome when it's done.
Im in a bit of a depressed mood at the moment, ive spoilered the blog for those that dont want to read it. Its a little about how i feel and is really just me putting down my thoughts for myself to i dont know deal with them somehow?

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

'Ive Met the perfect woman, sadly she met the perfect man and...
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I can relate to that majorly hombre, I'm awkward in social settings (and used to be even worse) especially if I don't know people, I'm like a fish on the riverbank gasping for air but usually someone comes along who throws me back in the river if you get my meaning.

I'm pretty much regarded by every girl/woman (not sure which is appropriate really) I've ever met as Nice Guy material, which for a long time I thought was a curse but it's all a matter of perspective the bonus of girls thinking you're a Nice Guy is they don't have to worry about you wanting to get in their pants which is refreshing and makes a change from every other guy they know pretty much. It makes friendships a lot stronger too since it develops trust a lot more if you're not one of the guys. I've met my soon to be housemates via SG purely because of being a Nice Guy so don't get too down about being seen that way.

I know from personal experience I don't see any of the positive attributes of my personality in myself despite being told about them numerous times by several friends, I have incredibly low self-esteem because of it so don't think I'm ever going to meet anyone because of it and several other issues I have.

Dealing with feelings for someone is awkward, especially if they're a friend. In your case I think if your friendship is anything like you describe it then the girl in question should be happy she's got such a good friend in you who cares about her happiness even to the detriment of your own.

Like merlowe says there's no easy way around the minefiled of emotions you find yourself in when you like someone.
Unfortunately, bad experiences are inevitable. You learn from your mistakes and experiences and that's what make you a stronger, better person. Believe me, I've had my share of ups and downs. We all fall down at some point, it's how you pick yourself up. That's the real challenge, isn't it?!?! Don't worry, there are other fish in the sea. blush

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support on my sets! You have no idea what that means to me!! I'm so glad to know that I have a friend on the other side of the pond! biggrinkiss If you need to talk, just let me know!! kiss
thank you Zahariel!
youe are so sweet! kiss
Hey guys ive been extremely busy this week, all of my uni projects are picking up speed so i thought i would show you guys some of the stuff ive been creating in 3DS Max, ive not used the software in about 9 years so im very rust but so far i have created 2 models for my animation project. The first one is pretty...
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biggrinbiggrin Why do you wanna know??? winkwinkbiggrin I have no idea, it was a while ago. kiss
LOL!! biggrin You're too cute!! biggrinkisskiss
Hey guys, a bit of a mixed rest of the week, more aprehensive for monday and thursday which has not put me in the best of moods.

Monday would have been the 11th birthday of my neice Courtney, she passed away with most of her family, except my brother (him and her mother had split up about a year before) in a car accident on...
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Thank you so much!! biggrinkisskiss It really does mean a lot to me! kiss I hope you have a great V-Day even though you're not doing anything special. Same goes for me, just another ordinary day for me.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!! kisskisskiss
You're the BEST, but you already knew that!! winkbiggrinkisskisskisskiss
The one with Batman as the mentor is SpazCat, the one with Wonder Woman is IronSpells
Thank you for the comments on my set!! I'm glad you love it!! biggrinkiss Hopefully this will be "the one!" biggrinwink
Hey everyone, just thought i might aswell put some thoughts down for this week, and at the moment apart from uni its all going a bit wrong really.

Work has currently put my hours down to the basic amount which dont really cover my rent which is going to make the next few months more than a little tight as ive had to pay a...
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Yes!! I can't wait to see the feedback! I hope you'll like it!! biggrinkiss
Short blog today

Finally back at Uni after so long a holiday - was starting to go a little stir crazy about all the time off and not much to do in it, thank god for movies, Mass Effect 2 and books. biggrin

One of my modules is 2D Animation which looks to be really fun to do as we are being given carte blanche to...
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Trying to stay positive and not let negative people bring me down!! biggrin Thanks for the hugs! Back atcha! xoxoxox
I heart you!! kisskiss
This blog is going to be a little different, im not going to talk about me or my life, its too much of an unholy mess and im just going to leave it for a while and talk about something thats close to my heart - stories.

To my friends and the people who know me, im a comic geek but comics are only one...
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Thank you for the good vibes!! biggrinbiggrinkiss
Thank you sweetie!! kiss