I am once again on the journey for new mucis to listen to. I have found a couple new ones. I have seen alot of references to "Rasputina" on here so I gave them a shot. I like alot of what Ive heard so far. It just so happens to be that the album with the best songs on it is out of print. Figures...
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hi hi!! (=^_^=)

glad you like my set lots biggrin i had much fun doing it, i made the wings and pom pom my self! FF rawks!

you have awesome taste in film! biggrin

kiss kiss kiss
thanks for the comment on my set... i see you like house of 1000 corpses... you should check out the movie spider baby!!
I have gotten into a few new bands lately. Skinless,Pig Destroyer & Nasum. They all own hard. I especially like the older Skinless albums. Their intros are the shit. Death Metal fans should check them out. The other 2 bands I mentioned are Grind Core. I enjoy them muchly. I might see War of the Worlds this weekend. Ill tell you how it goes. Im...
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okay here the deal.
BTW, why no comments? Why no friends list?
Add me danmit! LOL. Seriously. go comment at SG Aqurians group that we are both members of. I don't want to see the group die!
Oh yeah....PLEASE! wink
Oops. I didn't mean to delete you from my list. Your name was tripled on my friends list...so I tried to fix it.
So add me again please!
Its the eve of a big deal for me. Batman Begins is tomorrow and Im so stoked to see it. Its my favorite comic hero and Christian Bale is in it, He is my favorite actor. He is in my favorite movie as well(American Psycho). He is nothing short of badass. Bale is top notch. Well on another note I got some new cd's recently....
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Let me know if it is any good. That Christian Bale is in it is the one thing that tempts me to go watch it. smile
thanks hun.
what a sweet comment.
Just got done watching "The Machinist". Christian Bale rules so much. I liked the movie alot. As far as anything else, work sucked like always. I also bought my ticket for a show at bogarts in Cincy which includes (Shadows Fall,Arch Enemy,In Flames,Black Dahilia Murder). There might be others but I forget. Not bad for 25 bucks.
I just got the new Nile cd(Anniliation of the Wicked). It owns big time. Very very brutal indeed. Other than that a very boring day.
My first Entry. Not a big deal but its a start. Thanking god for this weekend coming up. Maybe something good will happen for a change. Planning on getting tanked but who knows.
Hey - thanks for the email. It was nice to hear from you. Hope you're enjoying the site so far. biggrin