Heya @medmusa. I saw your comment so I figured I'd update the blog. :D I'm giving away my name here, but it's whatevs I guess. So the first picture is the finished version that ended up getting published as the cover for the book. After a few years though, I figured I'd need to update some sections of the book (since I'm writing the second
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So cool 🤩
@medmusa It is. It's based in Wisconsin. People who have read it have liked it for the most part. :)

I'm still working on some stuff though. Right now it's just a digital copy that's for sale. I ordered one of those pad and stylus things so that I can digitize and color my drawings for the cover. I'm still working on some of the character drawings, but so far, I've got a pretty good idea for the cover. Keep in that this is a...
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Thanks. :)
I’m very interested on how it went and I would like to see the finished copy!

Ok, so apparently I'm still learning how to post stuff on a blog on this site. haha.

So! I apologize for not continuing on with my story, but there's a reason for it!!!
I'm actually writing a book! I'm about halfway done with it, and I hope to have it completed by May at the earliest though I'm shooting for June.

I've got a publisher...
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I folded the crisp new $100 bills, but not before gazing upon it. The bills in this day and age are so colorful... I shrugged and smiled and placed the bills into my pocket. As I walked out of the bank I glanced at the sky. For this time of year, it was about 10:15. You learn to tell the time by the sun when...
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Part 3:

I watched the sun creep up around the trees and the buildings of the small town. Slowly (or quickly in the grand scheme of things) people began to shuffle about, eager to be on their day's business. I had stopped to rest on a park bench. There was a particularly brilliant Fir tree about 20 feet in front of it. I spent...
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Part 2! And I have some readers! I guess that means I have to make it worth the read right? I'm still not sure what to call this story... I'm sort of making it up as I go along... Hmm... So our friend was pondering on his lonely mountaintop... and then he decided to see his daughter before she died of old age... I think...
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I'm pretty sure no one reads this, so I'm going to write a story for my own entertainment on here. If you do end up reading it, I apologize for the typographical errors. I'm only correcting as I type.

So here goes!


'It was a gift,' he said.
I stood there, patient, wary.
Then I felt it.
My world expanded and contracted at the...
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You really have a way with words (though I swear half of that was just a euphemism for sex....) good job!
August 28th...
I went to hang out with a friend last night... It was fun. biggrin She had moved recently and so this was the first time seeing her and her bf's place not all... post-move... And I saw that she had a picture that I drew of her framed and on display!!! I was like 'Awwww!!!!! You still have that picture up!' And she was...
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Hmm, let's see... June 30th. Well, my rent's paid, just got my electric bill and I'm still waiting for my internet and phone bills. Ugh. I don't like bills... but I don't like having the finer things in life less more. Can I dislike something more than something else? Or would it be less? I suppose disliking less would mean liking more right? It just...
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Hey!!!!! It's the Sunday of the 4th of July weekend. I hope you all had a good vacation. Unfortunately, it's back to the grind tomorrow.

My weekend was fun... Got a call from my Dad saying everyone's meeting up at my grandparents, so I packed and headed up there. It was pretty fun. We went fishing and hung out with even more family. The only...
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