Anyone here play their Bmo often (3ds)
Let's play together some thing...some time! 4897-5992-1892(my friend code)...but you know, let me know your code so i can add you back ^^

Animal Crossing is my...jam lately. I never played it when it was first around... I got my sister to download this heck also. The end.
canceled my membership for this heck
runs out in August.
I do not visit here too much. and it's not fun like it use to be, or like i use to be.
German comes in October, fingers crossed. He said he will and seems rather sure. but there is always doubt when being excited for something.

hope all is well with you all.
June starts...
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def not as much fun as it used to be.
I feel you.... I let my account go for like 6 months, then pick it back up for a year. Then get bored or pissed off about something because it is certainly not as good as the "old days" on here! smile
Awesome Sam is awesome
Sammerton Highschool

I'm sleepy and fat. And i need to stop being the latter. But shit sleep leaves me with zero energy or motivation.

I hope everyone is well. And if the German visits in October i will be amazing.

That was cute.
KMFDM is tonight!!!!!
briefly hung out with a fella that had liked me off and on since fucking high school, guess he was just looking for something to stick his dick in.

bummer, i was a bit into him. which leads me to almost believe i am not worth the time and effort that is needed to be with me. Countless exes have shown me that with the...
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Never too early for wine...
You can only do, what you do. wink Grab a bottle and enjoy it!
damn i had a rough few weeks between getting dumped, my dad's health, and wicked mega new antidepressant. I fucked up with the hard liquor and freaked out my dad and don't remember. like way emotional and shit. I honestly hadn't had depression symptoms that severe since high school, and even then it wasn't like it's been.

i've been at a decent weight though for...
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Keep your head up lady
I know what your sayin life is like a yo yo up and down all the time someone really close that iv lost said to me no matter how bad things are there is someone going through worse, amazing things happen in the worst time u watch msg me if u ever wanta about anything even weather ha ha chin up good things will come
he's moved on it would seem
though he was anti posting too much deep stuff on his fb
but we had a mutual friend on it and he got tagged in a post from Kai
saying solute to drinks, music and ladies.
Fuck Kai, when you were holding my hand while singing happy birthday to me, was your mind somewhere else? A better dame, with...
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Well that sucks. Sorry yo.
that's rough. take care of yourself.
feeling was right. got broken up with. he wouldn't write back to anything else. i don't like that. i wasn't like harsh or...you know aggressive or even passive aggressive i hope. oh spell check seems to be off.

cried much yesterday. ate a lot. puked up like half perhaps.

didn't drink yesterday. but am drinking wine now. i wish more than more it was vodka,...
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Sorry about the break up frown I hope something comes up to make life abit more fun for yah. If you lived closer I'd have you out for breakfast with the Wife and me.
so sorry.. I know how you feel.. Last summer my boyfriend broke up with me.. and I felt that my life was nonsense.. I cried every night and whispering please, come home again...
I saw the world.. but I didn't want to be in it anymore because I had a intern pain, which pressed my heart..
But then, the days, months passed and all this pain were just leaving me slowly...
you'll be fine I'm sure, just give you more time. smile
will be going to a strip club with males tonight.
that's interesting, never been to that kind before.

i hate that i'd rather stay at home and drink. play some video games. i miss you boyfriend. But this is something new so and amy is real excited about it so i don't want to ruin anyone's good time.

so sleep. christmas was nice. wasn't feeling...
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Hope you are doing ok and have a good New Years! I plan on sitting at home. Yay!
my uh urge to be an SG here is fleeting it would have meant to be one of the few years i tried.

Makes the most sense to me. Also cam never came in. And..i don't like me right now. i am doing well though. Would be happier with a second fun bunz in my life

Sold my snamke. and make a profiit. So i...
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