I just saw Mubbs from Holby City in Decadence and Naominess got him to do mega-metal!! Now that was an eventful night! biggrin

We also had some 18yr old girl from Hong Kong wanting to come back to play with the dildos at the house of porn, and it's all Naomi's fault!! All I was doing was trying to get home quietly, but she decided that...
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Yes, I do rock.
Sounds like an interesting night! smile
So, I slept for around 15hrs....that hopefully will go far to make up for the lack of sleep last week!!

Now I've got to get to Hampstead Heath...no idea how to but I'll work it out!!
God I'm so tired!! I've got a picnic on Hampstead Heath tommorow with my course, it should be cool. I just hope I wake up in time to get there!!

In other news, I've got to start looking for jobs next week. I'm going to trawl post-production houses and see if there are any entry-level jobs that pay enough to cover the rent. Failing that...
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Get drunk dude, obviously. Hell, if finishing your course isn't an excuse then I don't know what is! wink
That's it....over...finished!!

Now I can sleep.... skull
I don't really want to kill you! frown I just think you deserve lots of hugs!

I miss you loads already!

Yay for you!!

Party party lot's of rocking soon?
I've done the two reports, I really should try and do another one....I might in a bit but I can't be bothered right now....I'll see if I can find the one I did last year on the same subject. that'd save me alot of time!!

Exam in 5hrs 20mins......I'll start revising next I think!!

Pro Plus and coffee here I come!!

*Does a little victory...
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Looks like I'm only going to do 2 of the 4 lab reports...this is the best I can do with the time and energy I have, hopefully the exam won't be too bad!!

In other news, in 9hrs I will be pissed!! and all my uni work will be handed in!! if I get a 1st, 2nd or 3rd I don't care I just want...
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13hrs before an exam in a subject I barely know a thing about, I am starting to write the first of a series of lab reports for experiments I never did!! I have well and truely fucked up this module but once it's done, it's done and it's all over....just got to stop being distracted!!
yo hope work is going well! you'll be finished so soon!

i can start consuming lots of alochol in a week! but until then sober barny frown
how much does jager cost in the shops btw@?
my whole grade is based on this final project where i've totally fallen apart it sucks!
you'll get there in the end kiss
well done, you seem to be gettin down to it really well though. im still crap at buckling down... im a zoombie recently...
Dissertation - Done & Handed in!!

Final Project - Done, needs handing in...

Electroacoustic Measurement Techniques - Exam and lab reports, due tommorow and not even started!! A 4th night of no sleep is all thats needed and all this is over!!
I fucking hate sleep!! 30mins before I wanted to leave the house I go to wake Laura up and end up waking up 3hrs later!! I suppose only having 1 nights sleep in 3 days does that to you though!!

So, my final project report weighs in at 30 pages!! That's 11pt text folks!! Fuck my tutor is going to hate me!! lol
Well done for getting it finished. 12pm Monday for a drink and some chinwagging is fine by me... wink
I've got all the info for my final module!! WooHoo, not as much stressing now!! I've got my mates results aswell to do the reports with!! That saves so much stress!!

Now I'm off to get food, 8hrs sleep in 3days makes my eating patterns fucked up!!
wooo biggrin
im really glad ur work is gettin sorted!
hope mine goes that way soon!

and get some sleep you fool kiss
awww well. my deadline has moved till week 2moro now... i dont know if thats good or bad. but im not using the time properly!!!! and i'm meant to have stuff for 2moro that i dont have.
its stupid because our whole grade is based on this final project where they've totally fucked us about

friday is soon. and then ur freeeeeee
The next installment of Andy's final week at uni (well...almost final!!)

I found out that my final project isn't due in 'til Friday, which gives me more time to bounce the effects tracks.

I also found out that I have to do a presentation on the project next Tuesday, so I'm not actually finished until then!! Which is pretty annoying!!

I went and bought a...
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