I'm back from KC, it was kind of fun. Everyday I get further and further behind on my work. I feel like shit, and I have to go find out now if I need surgery.
1. What is the greatest gift you've ever received?
2. Will you buy me a 40 GB I Pod? They're bloody groovy.
3. Are kids still saying things like...
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1. What is the greatest gift you've ever received?
2. Will you buy me a 40 GB I Pod? They're bloody groovy.
3. Are kids still saying things like...
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Excellent tale!!! I laughed out loud at the Carrot Top revival!
1. What is the greatest gift you've ever received?
2. Will you buy me a 40 GB I Pod? They're bloody groovy.
Ummm I like you but not that much
Haha If I was rich I would.
3. Are kids still saying things like bloody and groovy?
I've never heard it. Maybe I'm just not hip.
4. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
To fly, or telekenisis.
5. Why are musicals so lame?
Cause guys wear tights.
6. What body type are you most attracted to?
Slim but defined.
7. Have you ever died for a small period of time?
Not that I am aware of, but I wouldn't be suprised.
8. If the suicide girls got in a battle royal, who would win?
Damn.... I feel like Katie would kick some ass. Or maybe Twwly.
9. Who is your favorite heroin addicted musician?
I don't follow peoples drug habits that closely.
10. What is the best video game of the 80s?
Duck hunt.

1. What is the greatest gift you've ever received?
2. Will you buy me a 40 GB I Pod? They're bloody groovy.
Ummm I like you but not that much

3. Are kids still saying things like bloody and groovy?
I've never heard it. Maybe I'm just not hip.
4. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
To fly, or telekenisis.
5. Why are musicals so lame?
Cause guys wear tights.
6. What body type are you most attracted to?
Slim but defined.
7. Have you ever died for a small period of time?
Not that I am aware of, but I wouldn't be suprised.
8. If the suicide girls got in a battle royal, who would win?
Damn.... I feel like Katie would kick some ass. Or maybe Twwly.
9. Who is your favorite heroin addicted musician?
I don't follow peoples drug habits that closely.
10. What is the best video game of the 80s?
Duck hunt.

In Kansas City, come up with your own questions and answer them.
Why would I ask myself a question in your journal? Wait, I think I just did. Or maybe I'm asking you.

hey sexy.... hows it going....
hope everythings going ok...
*mUaH* i miss u.... well talking to u anyways.... i had a shitty day..... i need some lovin....
but seriously...
well ill talk to u later mister.
... always sweetie
hope everythings going ok...
*mUaH* i miss u.... well talking to u anyways.... i had a shitty day..... i need some lovin....
but seriously...


Goodbyes are so hard.
Well, I broke it off with my fiance. I am single again. It was a lot easier than I had imagined, but it sure as fuck broke my heart into 1,000,000 pieces. Actually it was more like 3 pieces, but you know hyperboles are always good.
Anyway, I am just going to drink my sorrows away and hope I don't get...
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Well, I broke it off with my fiance. I am single again. It was a lot easier than I had imagined, but it sure as fuck broke my heart into 1,000,000 pieces. Actually it was more like 3 pieces, but you know hyperboles are always good.
Anyway, I am just going to drink my sorrows away and hope I don't get...
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Thank you, handsome stranger!
you're so sexxxxxxxy

No new news now. Here are some questions.
1. One place in the world to live, where?
2. Pet Monkey, What's its name?
3. Board Games, the favorite of yours is?
4. Crazy syntax of questions, no?
5. Ignorance blissful?
6. Love is popping zits on backs, true or false?
7. What is your favorite ethnic group? Then think of yourselves as prejudice.
8. Have...
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1. One place in the world to live, where?
2. Pet Monkey, What's its name?
3. Board Games, the favorite of yours is?
4. Crazy syntax of questions, no?
5. Ignorance blissful?
6. Love is popping zits on backs, true or false?
7. What is your favorite ethnic group? Then think of yourselves as prejudice.
8. Have...
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Thank you, cuteness! I'm tryin, slowly but surely
1. One place in the world to live, where? I love it here, in SF! But London is rad, too.
2. Pet Monkey, What's its name? Terry Lavios
3. Board Games, the favorite of yours is? LIFE, or Twister
4. Crazy syntax of questions, no? Um, Ilsa's answer was kinda funny!
5. Ignorance blissful? Depends...
6. Love is popping zits on backs, true or false? Ew?! But I pick the lint out of my boy's bellybutton. I call them TREASURES.
7. What is your favorite ethnic group? Down with Whitey!!! only kidding...
8. Have you ever been unfaithful to a lover? No no no.
10. Introverted, extraverted or ambiverted are you? Extroverted around friends...can be introverted in weird situations. I'm a listener. But I'm also really loud.

1. One place in the world to live, where? I love it here, in SF! But London is rad, too.
2. Pet Monkey, What's its name? Terry Lavios
3. Board Games, the favorite of yours is? LIFE, or Twister
4. Crazy syntax of questions, no? Um, Ilsa's answer was kinda funny!
5. Ignorance blissful? Depends...
6. Love is popping zits on backs, true or false? Ew?! But I pick the lint out of my boy's bellybutton. I call them TREASURES.
7. What is your favorite ethnic group? Down with Whitey!!! only kidding...
8. Have you ever been unfaithful to a lover? No no no.

10. Introverted, extraverted or ambiverted are you? Extroverted around friends...can be introverted in weird situations. I'm a listener. But I'm also really loud.
1. One place in the world to live, where?
Philly. I just visited and want to live there like whoa
2. Pet Monkey, What's its name?
Mo Mo.
3. Board Games, the favorite of yours is?
Candy Land.
4. Crazy syntax of questions, no?
Si senor.
5. Ignorance blissful?
Unfortunately yes.
6. Love is popping zits on backs, true or false?
VERY TRUE. Mwahah I see stuff on people. i must pick.
7. What is your favorite ethnic group? Then think of yourselves as prejudice.
8. Have you ever been unfaithful to a lover?
My last boyfriend.
9. ?
Yes sir
10. Introverted, extraverted or ambiverted are you?
VERY extroverted
Philly. I just visited and want to live there like whoa

2. Pet Monkey, What's its name?
Mo Mo.
3. Board Games, the favorite of yours is?
Candy Land.
4. Crazy syntax of questions, no?
Si senor.
5. Ignorance blissful?
Unfortunately yes.
6. Love is popping zits on backs, true or false?
VERY TRUE. Mwahah I see stuff on people. i must pick.
7. What is your favorite ethnic group? Then think of yourselves as prejudice.
8. Have you ever been unfaithful to a lover?
My last boyfriend.
9. ?
Yes sir

10. Introverted, extraverted or ambiverted are you?
VERY extroverted

Well i finally got the internet back. Everything has been going pretty well. I'm drunk. Finally getting my band together. How are you doing?
you just got your internet back too? I didn't have it for a week, I just got it back today!
Thanks for the compliment sweetie....
Glad you have the internet bck and you're drunk... both very exciting things
Glad you have the internet bck and you're drunk... both very exciting things

Well shit, I thought I was back, but now my fiance is pissed at me for joining, so I guess I have to quit, sorry for bothering you all.
omg u have a fiance now?
sweet! i so have to call u and catch up! im calling tomorrow i swear1 SO EXPECT IT!
i love u man 
and congrats sweetie... and i hope the two of u find great happiness.

and congrats sweetie... and i hope the two of u find great happiness.
Well I am back, for those who don't remember me I was EaterofWorlds and SMF6009. Anyway, I'm fucked up right now and Ilsa convinced me to rejoin SG.
Why am I fucked up you may ask? Well yesterday during sparring, I was kicked very hard in the left testicle. So I spent this morning in the hospital getting ultrasounds and being scared to death. My...
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Why am I fucked up you may ask? Well yesterday during sparring, I was kicked very hard in the left testicle. So I spent this morning in the hospital getting ultrasounds and being scared to death. My...
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OMG! you're back~!! woohoo!
oh sweet lord. that sounds painful!! so sorry. but, you live dangerous, you have to be prepaired.
*HUG* feel better soon!
oh sweet lord. that sounds painful!! so sorry. but, you live dangerous, you have to be prepaired.

*HUG* feel better soon!
hey man welcome back 

2. Fill in the blank. Good ink Makes the heart fonder.
3. What is the best cartoon ever? Sealab 2021...I love nonsense.
4. Who is the sexiest person you know? James Dean.
5. Does the fact that I am sitting here burning over 400 cds to put on my IPod make me a loser? Nah brah.
6. Did you know that if you said no to the last question that you are a very kind person? Aww, am I?
7. Michael Jackson is great despite everything, no? Yeah dude, MJ is the man.
8. What was the first Cassette tape you ever bought? Unwritten Law
9. I love you, I love you all! Sorry that wasn't a question, you have to accept my love, so there! Accepted and reciprocated
10. Do you like hallucinogenic drugs? No, but I do like kitties.