Hi, everyone.

In case you're in Colorado, I'll be hosting a NY Times bestselling Fantasy & Science Fiction Reading, at the BookBar in Denver, on 11 November at 7pm. Authors Carrie Vaughn and Laurence MacNaughton will be reading, and I may have something in store, as well.

SG science-fiction fans are invited!

Learn about it on Facebook: http://bit.ly/2ynQOiw
Learn about it on Meetup: http://bit.ly/2xRMQvJ

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Hello, SG Land.

I've released a second collection of my short fiction, titled Minuscule Truths, which is now available most places on Earth. In it you'll find ten stories of speculative fiction. Some of these appeared before in places like Analog Science Fiction and Fact or Crossed Genres.

You can get his book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or order it from your local bookstore....
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Cool.  Just got for my iPad.  Looking forward to it, but will be a bit before I get to it. 
Thanks, @catdad! You're awesome. If you like any of these stories, please try my other books. Even better, spread the word to others!
whatever.     something always shakes out.     to me it's like the seamen of old, with nothing but sailing ships, a dream, and the deep blue sea.     when there was only calm, and not a whisper of wind, and no movement whatsoever, save the swelling of the sea, their term for that was that they were in the doldrums.    just biding their time until they could get underway again, I suppose
Nice way of putting it. Thank you very much. 


Made another major short-story sale this month. I can't spill the details yet, but I'm dying to share them with you all.

I sold a piece to Third Flatiron which is going to the stands this spring, 2017. 
That's interesting. I used to read some science fiction as a kid. I liked it    ....but I read the genre not at all these days. audio streaming is my only realistic chance to enjoy books. I copy pasted this. It is on a list of things to cloud, perhaps you understand

I'm especially mindful today of Native Americans, from the northern ranges of Canada to the Tierra del Fuego, and the hardships they've faced since the arrival of Europeans. But really, we've all taken a beating, all of us on this whole planet. Let's do better in the twenty-first century. Let's make some things right, shall we? Let's treat each other, and Gaia, a lot better,...
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