No idea why I'm even writing a note at this stage - this is 2 YEARS after my last post. Since my last one, most of my SG friends have left, including the delicious October, and I'm hardly ever on this site!
What to say? Have changed job (still oilfield, but better money) and am currently living in a flat in Aberdeen.
I've hardly changed...
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What to say? Have changed job (still oilfield, but better money) and am currently living in a flat in Aberdeen.
I've hardly changed...
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Holy Mother of God - 7 MONTHS!!!
And all I've done is work.
I've been promoted, but other than that, nothing's really happened.
And all I've done is work.
I've been promoted, but other than that, nothing's really happened.
Hahaha, dude, yea I remember. I've got letters to add to it, but I kinda sorta forget what one of the letters is supposed to be...

You know my cats can do anything, duh!!!
That's better - only 1 month this time.
Not been up to much though. In the last 6 weeks, all I've really done is go for a couple of training courses in bonny Scotland (Aberdeen and Dundee). Met some nice Canadian girls - one of whom can more than hold her own whilst drinking, and she's not exactly a big girl. I did get to...
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Not been up to much though. In the last 6 weeks, all I've really done is go for a couple of training courses in bonny Scotland (Aberdeen and Dundee). Met some nice Canadian girls - one of whom can more than hold her own whilst drinking, and she's not exactly a big girl. I did get to...
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Well this is a new reocrd for me - 4 goddamn months with no update. In thst time: the football World Cup has been and gone, the lovely October has upped sticks, George W Bush didn't follow suit, the lovely little Richard Hammond crashed at 300 mph, and the 2 wells I worked on struck gas.
So now, after 4 months in Holland and the...
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So now, after 4 months in Holland and the...
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tobie: it a GOOD thing that they struck gas....or were you hoping for something else?
And what is wrong with wearing pj's in the afternoon exactly????

And what is wrong with wearing pj's in the afternoon exactly????

2 months in the arctic.damn, england must seem like a tropical country after that. and doing nothing on your time of is the whole point of time off. well it is for a lazy git like me
hope your boredom subsides soon dude. have a good one

hope your boredom subsides soon dude. have a good one

Well that's just pathetic aint it . . . more than 2 months away without updating. And everything's changed!!!
The site I mean.
I'm still being flown off around Europe looking for oil. None found yet, but I seem to be having less of a cursing influence. Spent a while on a rig off thew coast of \holland, where I'm going again tomorrow for the...
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The site I mean.
I'm still being flown off around Europe looking for oil. None found yet, but I seem to be having less of a cursing influence. Spent a while on a rig off thew coast of \holland, where I'm going again tomorrow for the...
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sounds like your having a busy time with work. having a pension, life and health insurance is a very good thing to have with a company now as alot of them don't give you pensions anymore. or not a good one anyway.
hope your good overall
hope your good overall

I miiiissssss youuuu!!!
Hmmm . . . I really should have updated by now shouldn't I.
Well, what's been happening. Urm, quite a lot really.
Had 3 lovely, if not slightly boring, weeks in Houston TX for training for my new job in the Oil and Gas Industry. Was in the classroom every day doing copious tests. Only had 3 days off. First one - Jetlag, second -...
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Well, what's been happening. Urm, quite a lot really.
Had 3 lovely, if not slightly boring, weeks in Houston TX for training for my new job in the Oil and Gas Industry. Was in the classroom every day doing copious tests. Only had 3 days off. First one - Jetlag, second -...
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Well bugger! Thank you for the penblwydd hapus
I'm gutted to not be a teen anymore. I feel like i should grow up a bit. I wont, i'll just feel slightly guilty when I laugh at my friends farts

I'm gutted to not be a teen anymore. I feel like i should grow up a bit. I wont, i'll just feel slightly guilty when I laugh at my friends farts

hay up dude. long time no communicate. sounds like you've had a busy time lately. but to me it's sounds like fun as i'd love to travel around like that.
hope your good dude
hope your good dude

Hey, I know its been a while but while I'm free, I should really update.
I'm off to do my basic training for my new job tomorrow morning. I'd pictured a couple of bleak days in Aberdeen, but I was wrong. I'm actually off to Houston, Texas for 3 weeks of training. Lucky me. Have to fly to Amsterdam tomorrow morning to get my connection,...
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I'm off to do my basic training for my new job tomorrow morning. I'd pictured a couple of bleak days in Aberdeen, but I was wrong. I'm actually off to Houston, Texas for 3 weeks of training. Lucky me. Have to fly to Amsterdam tomorrow morning to get my connection,...
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hope u have fun

Holy cow, 2 damn months eh!!!
Well I've got a job with a company called Geoservices, which does upatream work for numerous international oil companies. All is well . . . .
Perhaps not. I didn't really want to post until I'd had my medical (for offshore work) and training, but they've kept me waiting too long now. I really wanted to have started my...
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Well I've got a job with a company called Geoservices, which does upatream work for numerous international oil companies. All is well . . . .
Perhaps not. I didn't really want to post until I'd had my medical (for offshore work) and training, but they've kept me waiting too long now. I really wanted to have started my...
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Dude, you never told me about her!!!! Gotta share!!!!!!
You didn't pop in...nor did you tell me anything about this chick!!! *grrrrr*
Wow, time sure flies by on this site when I've had nothing to do.
Still proper-job hunting (have an interview with Geoservices in London next week - their headquarters is in Paris, niiiiice) while holding down my bar job, which I'm really enjoying. It's a great working environment when you get on really well with the bar staff, managers, waitresses, kitchen staff and cleaners. I'm...
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Still proper-job hunting (have an interview with Geoservices in London next week - their headquarters is in Paris, niiiiice) while holding down my bar job, which I'm really enjoying. It's a great working environment when you get on really well with the bar staff, managers, waitresses, kitchen staff and cleaners. I'm...
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Happy Birthday!

Hehe, yea it was gross. Looks ok now, though!
You coming for the roast on the 11th? Can crash here at night if you like!

You coming for the roast on the 11th? Can crash here at night if you like!
Hmmm, my friends list sems to be a turning a horrible grey colour. This doesn't bode well for this update.
It hasn't been a good few weeks - I'm currently recovering from the mumps, which I not only had around the neck, but also my groin. When i first heard that mumps can cause impotence and infertility, I started to worry, in fact I'm still...
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It hasn't been a good few weeks - I'm currently recovering from the mumps, which I not only had around the neck, but also my groin. When i first heard that mumps can cause impotence and infertility, I started to worry, in fact I'm still...
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Try the Homer Simpson diet: Beer and doughnuts!
Sorry about the job thing and glad the mumps cleared up. It's quite tough trying to find out what to do after uni but it will get better, you've just got to be proactive and make sure it gets better sooner rather than later.
Sorry about the job thing and glad the mumps cleared up. It's quite tough trying to find out what to do after uni but it will get better, you've just got to be proactive and make sure it gets better sooner rather than later.
Don't worry about gaining weight, if it comes, it comes, if not, nevermind.
Don't worry about gaining weight, if it comes, it comes, if not, nevermind.
Has it really been over a month since I last updated . . . crap it really has.
That was mainly cos I had nothing incredibly exciting to share with the world, but a lot has happened in the last few days.
Lets see now, had a job interview with a ground engineering company in Bristol last week, which I still haven't heard back from....
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That was mainly cos I had nothing incredibly exciting to share with the world, but a lot has happened in the last few days.
Lets see now, had a job interview with a ground engineering company in Bristol last week, which I still haven't heard back from....
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woo hoo!!! good for you
you deserve a holiday after graduating for sure.
what are your folks doing in venezuela? have they gone there to live or is it a holiday type thang?

what are your folks doing in venezuela? have they gone there to live or is it a holiday type thang?
lucky you! congrats 

Right then. A lot has happened since i last updated, well properly updated anyway, my last update was hampered by my letter T getting stuck.
Right lets go:
- Am back at home in Cardiff for the forseeable future.
- I have a job in the bar at the Toby Carvery up the road
- I am looking for a job in the petroleum industry...
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Right lets go:
- Am back at home in Cardiff for the forseeable future.
- I have a job in the bar at the Toby Carvery up the road
- I am looking for a job in the petroleum industry...
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I miss you, man!
Certain someone doesn't want to move in with me. Ouch.
How're you?
How're you?
It's even worse than last week. Growing out of control!