So I found this cat a few days ago. It's a very nice good: good-tempered, not destructive, healthy, etc. and I told everyone that I'm going to keep it if I can't find an owner (I really doubt it has an owner although it's obviously been around people before), but now I'm having second thoughts about it. I don't know if I'll have the money...
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God bless my roommate who I don't live with yet. She might be able to get me drugs smile and I can never get anything besides pot so that makes me really happy. The shrooms I gave Nate money for I should be getting by the end of the month. And then I have to see when Melanie can do them and if she still wants...
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Hey! some of my friends are going on tour and they need a place to shower and just hang out for a couple of hours the day after tomorrow before they play. The band is Bozo Porno Circus, you can check their stuff out at www.bozopornocircus.com. The band consists of three hot chicks and 4 other guys. It would just be from around noon to six. Let me know if you could help a brotha out.
You can email one of the hot chicks lori@tonezone.com and her cell phone number is 713.806.0142
Thank you so much!!!!!!
ps. i emailed you also but my brain is mush and i said tomorrow but its really the day after tomorrow. i love your icon biggrin

[Edited on Jun 28, 2004 3:53PM]
I don't know what it is about summer, you know how they talk about there being more violence when it's hot, like heat makes people crazy? (and also the moon but I'm not talking about that right now). Well, these two assholes who went to my high school are starting to stalk me again online. Well, not "stalking" ; basically they go to things where...
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School starts in about an hour and a half, I need to clean my apartment, I haven't taken Pansy out at all lately, I have almost no food let, and I have all these bills and record-keeping things piling up. What do I spend all morning doing? Looking at vintage porn, and thinking about ways to be more vintage and/or do a vintage-style set (by...
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Slytherin Moment: Me and Neil stealing the guest bed and then plotting about where to sleep if we got kicked out. Sneaky sneaky sneaky. No one else was tired yet but we were and I'm like "let's go steal the guest bed" so we did. And then Nate's passive-aggressive ass of course would not just ask us to please go sleep somewhere else because they...
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Of course, once I decide that it might actually be fun to go to Milwaukee, I get sick. I'm feeling somewhat better now, but I kind of doubt my stomach is going to be able to take lots of drinking and party food. I think if I take some peptobismal, I might be all right. I never, ever take any medicine when I'm sick. I...
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I just finished CS and I started PoA smile

My mom changed the blown fuse and now all the appliances work again so I have to call my landlord and tell him not to come tomorrow.

If it's possible to have an anxiety attack, then I've been having them for at least the past couple months; in fact, I'm having one right now. I practically hung...
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Wasted the whole day here again. Very boring.

I feel so fat and disgusting. I've been feeling really fat lately. I think this is partially due to the fact that despite being on depo for nearly three years and never getting my period, my period has decided to magically return, albeit lightly. I think I did gain back the whole two pounds I lost, and...
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Probably more than you want to know

So today I was shelving nonfiction at work and I came across one of the numerous "analyzation of Harry Potter books" books. It had an index so naturally I looked up slash, but that wasn't there frown But they had a ton of stuff on Snape. In one part they were talking about how he's the total stereotypical characterization...
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Role play! I can pretend I'm Jewish... tehehe.

Some people are saying in one the numerous hp lj communities that Snape is totally gay in the movie. Nooooooo! I don't want him to be gay. He doesn't seem gay in the books (so far).

I think I should be able to finish book two tonight, and hopefully book three by the end of the week so I can go see the movie. Ideally,...
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That toilet monster thing is freaking me out.

So much slash, so many slash communities, so little time to read it all.

Now I have to finish CS and PoA this week because I found out in one of the lj hp communities (enough abbreviation for you?) that there's a scene in PoA with Snape lying on a bed. HORIZONTAL SNAPE. YES.

I only started...
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There's nothing like sitting around all day doing nothing.

Some funny slash I found:


(Dobby/Sorting Hat)


(Snape/Gilderoy Lockhart done Green Eggs and Ham Style)

I found the most adorable anime-style pictures of Snape. He looks so cute!!! miao!!

I'm starting to wonder how I'm going to read slash all day when I'm living with two other people. See, I have the only computer, so...
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