1927 gave us the 1st full-length talkie w/ dialogue ( albeit limited )... hey, tinseltown, you have less than 3yrs to give us some new & exciting cinematic technological experience !

'...so I had severe back acne and a thick lisp...'

"uhm, ma'am,this is a commercial for the good feet store..."

'I'm getting to that... so, back acne, lisp,didn't lose my baby fat until my 3rd year of college, smelled like a dead musk ox when I sweat...'

This place exists in my dreams. I love how mesmerizing this is. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
1st morning of the apt complex being under new ownership - and, of course, I awaken to there being no hot water... and a pile of work equipment just outside my apt door. I can only hope this isn't an omen of what to expect, though this time the complex owners are *in* state !

it's just wickedly funny to me as I'm going to sleep, seeing flashing lights off my deck followed by hearing an officer loudly stating "you do realize not only are you underage for smoking pot, but it's illegal to do so in a motor vehicle ?" :D

Sounds like something nightmares are made from
@alexislust @daisiraw wasn't a dream - it was just off my deck as I was getting ready to sleep - even took a quick photo to be sure I wasn't dreaming :D
S'been busy yet not overly busy this wintertide thus far...
have my vaca schedule (finally!) set for Apr-Aug ::
Apr Th11th - Fri19th (incl Gr Ldge 12th & 13th )
Jun W26th - Fri28th (incl Gr York 27th, 28th, & 29th )
Jul Tu16th - W24th

unfortunately it appears any car rental will be a possible problem again, so may not be any...
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8yrs ago I took my 1st - and only - trip with my Fathre
3yrs ago I spent my last eve with my Fathre, watching over him through his last night
I honestly didn't realize they shared the same date until tonight - odd coincidence
I thought I'd posted this on the 1st... oops :(
Better late than never 😁 beautiful work of art
In just a week it's a brand new year already... how fast this time has flown !

Saturday morning was beautiful - warm(ish) temps and a beautiful fog got me out walking for most of the morning, the roads were so beautifully quiet and eerie with the fog obscuring the distance...
had a breakfast at Perkins, then picked myself up a new shower curtain and...
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Well, the city is going to work on the water in the complex 10 to 6... hopefully this doesn't mean I lose my heat again... and if it does, that the emergency line is working again so I don't have to spend several days w/o heat... again :(

S'been a helluva week, in pain the entirety of it - which earlier in the week was coupled with related fever and intense nerve issues.
no, the pain hasn't gone away completely but I've adapted to it - or gotten used to it ? one of the two...
unfortunately due to the pain and its related complications I was unable to do several things...
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