Welp 4th July weekend is almost over...

Been very un-eventful so far... 2 Lan parties, 5 hours of anime, BBQ, and Shooting at the range tomorrow...

Bed time me thinks...
Watched 'Russel Simons Def Poetry Jam' again last night... I cannot stop myself from switching to it every time I see it's on. The artists they present are always just normal everyday people talking about themselves and their lives. (Mostly hard childhoods and growing up, stuff like that) They usually have one hip-hop/movie/fashion star come on and do a poem. (Mostly not as good as...
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So I watched 'Shaun of the Dead' again last night. I needed something to satisfy my urge for a zombie movie since I didn't get around to seeing 'Land of the Dead' this past weekend like I wanted to. (Which now 2 people have told me it wasn't very good O_o how can that be! Maybe I'll just download it, errr I mean wait until...
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So, I have an Nokia NGage QD, great phone, surprisingly good games, no complaints (except no camera, read on...) Now at the time I got it because I needed a new phone (and new service) and it came free with a 1 year contract with T-Mobile. Lately I've been wishing more and more that I had bought a nice camera phone. I love taking pictures...
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College is the debil!

So much homework, and so much gaming, and sooooo not enough time. Finally got around to finishing HalfLife2, great ending btw... Been playing Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30, in between some WoW here and there.

Finished the Divici Code (Great book by the way) saw a 'lame' trailer a few days ago for the movie version slated for summer...
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E3 Parties!

I know you have the info... SPILL it! smile

That is all, thanks...
Long Overdue post tongue

My bad been really busy... Lets see where to begin...

School: Started up again after over a month break. Damn it's hard to go back, was getting used to coming right home from work. It was nice. On a side note this school's schedule is really nice, no more 20+ hours a week at school, on top of the 40+ hours a...
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I start school again May 9th, it seemed so far away when I stopped at the old school. (changing so I can get a BS, instead of a BA) Now it's just a couple weeks away... Jitters are starting to come. The ones you get when something new is coming. Hopefully I can get my head straight and back into it so I can start...
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Life: Bleh...

WoW: escape from Bleh...

Ever feel Bleh?
Didn't seem so blah last night... had fun, escaped real life which is the point for me lately... Thanks for the fun.
Life: yes
WoW: lately its been somewhat fun, but ganking all day got booring. Right now God of War for PS2 > all atm, till i got the final killing blow on Ares and my pos PS froze up on me.
So I'm thinking I may need to take a day or two off from WoW...

It's started to leak into dreams lately... Which isn't all that of a bad thing, I've had some very cool mmo-induced dreams, but last night it involved some PvP, my Barbous Blade, and an ex-girlfriend.

Well lets just say, after she got off that frost shock I ganked the shit...
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