another night another drinking binge with some friends. gawd i really need to get over my ex girlfriend. break ups are hard after you go out for almost 5 years. we have been broke up for a while and im still not over it. saw that movie identity with john cusack in it. that is one weird movie. clea duvall is in it she is...
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John Cusack is so hot! love
And I live with my ex...of 3 years...and its not nearly as akward as one may think...
but it still sucks hard sometimes...
Hope your head feels better sweetie.
kiss kiss kiss
another monday night filled with too much drinking. friends came over, ate pizza, beer, and pretty much consumed everything else that was in the fridge. i will have to go home to see my parents and steal what food i can from them. the money is too tight right now. dont get mad at me for stealing food from my parents. they know i do...
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I ALWAYS go home to see my grandparents when I got no cash money...
thats what they are there for...right? wink kiss
you're not so bad looking yourself.
for sg members that is a rare find......
lets make babies.
it is already monday again. the weekend seems to go by fast when it does nothing but rain all the time. at least it cleared up enough for me to be able to look at the moon last night. it was on of those special kind of full moons that only happens once a year. now after a night of soaking up moon beams i...
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if you are washing and drying clothes, and one sock is missing, do you hold on to the one until you find the other if ever, or just say the hell with it and throw it away? shocked i somehow keep losing the blasted things.
I always keep em'...
cause I am a girl and girls keep EVERYTHING.
tongue biggrin kiss
the next pamplet the jehovah's witnesses leave at my front door is going to start war. i already have some water balloons just waiting to be filled up. out of all the people in my suburb they have to keep coming back to my house once a week. if anyone wants to join my army just let me know smile
it is way too hot to do anything today. im just going to sit at home and relax and hope that the jehovah's witnesses who keep coming to my house once a week will leave me alone today. why wont the leave me alone! mad
Because you NEED TO BE SAVED! tonguetonguetongue
Because you've been very naughty.
first im glad to see cherie back on the site.
second i tried to go see pirates of the carribean on tues, and the 2 hours of it i saw was good, then the power went out. i guess i will just have to forget about the last 30 min of it and use the free ticket i got for tomb raider or something else....
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Awwww you are so sweet...
and yes,Angelina Jolie is the hottest chick EVER.
love kiss kiss kiss kiss
it's tuesday and my head hurts like hell. way too much late night drinking with some friends. i finally got around to adding a few more pics to my profile. im not much on looking at pics of myself because i take like 40 and spend forever finding one i like. is it just me or does anyone really like looking at themselves? i guess...
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i HATE looking @ pictures of myself and it always takes me a million years to pick out ones that I dont hate terribly...
but now look at you,Mr.I'm the cutest thing ever...
wink kiss love tongue
Dammit!You ARE so so so so so so cute!
kiss biggrin
thank god its raining here. i hate having to mow the yard. i really need to hire a maid or get married or just get a room mate. washing dishes, clothes, dusting, and any other kind of cleaning sucks. i now know why all married women bitch about cleaning all the time. it sucks.
Hahahhahahahhaha you need to get married some you can have your wife mow the lawn...
I love cleaning the house,but I think its just cause I am a weird kid...
beer and fireworks do not mix! somebody always has to accidenty set the whole bag of fireworks off at once creating chaos, and it is way too hard to run drunk.
I didn't get to see any fireworks this year frown
finally got to see 28 days later. it was ok. i thought it would be more of a traditonal zombie movie where a few people are surrounded by a huge amount of slow zombies but it turns out they are just a few dozen fast moving blood puking crazy zombies. i can't wait for t3 to come out on wen. from the previews it looks...
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christ you're cute.
you must be quinne's boyfriend or something?
si? no?
i tried to go see 28 days later last night and it was sold out. is that movie really that good? it looks like it will be the next blair witch project. i will try again tonight to see it. i ended up seeing charlie's angels 2 which was alot better than the first one. crispin glover returns as the hair collecting thin man. it...
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