The year seems to be starting off good.

Got my Harley in the garage for the Winter.

Got my Yamaha in my bro garage.

Been here on SG daily. I gotta start posting more.

I just applied to some groups. I figure that is the best way to get to know the SG users. At least that is how I did it on previous sites....
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I am going to visit and post more on SG!
That is my New Year's resolution

Wharffrat oink
Happy New Year! smile

WharffRat oink
I am back smile

Sorry for not being around. Live has been very busy. Work change turned out to be ok. Just got a new puppy, Son started school & etc...

I will post details in the near future. Right now I am looking at Groups to join and get really involved here again.

WharffRat oink

Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.

Been very busy. Many life changing events have taken place. My job has changed my hours. So, I had to put my son in day care. Wife and I are in counciling and things are getting better. Sorry I haven't been around lately.

Wharffrat smile
It's all good. Somethings are more important than posting on pseudo porn boards. More luck ta ya in all your endeavors.
Double posts are a bitch.

[Edited on Aug 27, 2003]

[Edited on Aug 27, 2003]
bok Happy Easter bok

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

WharffRat love
Well happy easter to you too guy.
Life just sucks right now! puke

The giant communication bastards I work for want to get ride of 7 people in department mad And it looks like I am # 4 on the list to go bye-bye. mad

I caught my old-lady have an affair with a woman. mad And she doesn't want to cut if out. mad I did start going to a councilor for help in this situation....
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things will get better, they always do. that is our experience - not just a silly saying. i heard a woman share at a meeting that every time she felt her life falling apart, in retrospect it was just falling into place.