god its naff with no net acces, have to do this at work while my boss is on a skiing holiday for the feastive season.

Merry Christmas all, and a happy Haunicha too.

Happy new year to everyone as well while we are here smile
Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukah and I wish you a drunken and raucous New Year smile
anyone heard of devil driver, a cool band formed by the frontman from coal chamber and the drummer is trained by Joey "the god" Jordison and you can tell, anyway i just played my fav track from there album, knee deep at full volume good job my neighbours work now and i just in for a quick change then off to work.....

LOUD music...its the...
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happy birthday, sweetie!
cheers everyone, i dont have internet access for the mo so im at work skiveing
At last my sister has the keys to her new house so i can move in to a house with ammenities like central heating and electrics that have been finished etc. I cant wait to sort my life out and get back on the right road again.

Just going for a bath then to charlies for a quiet night in i think as we are...
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over the weekend i went on a weekender to Edinburgh it was a friends birthday bash, he is 30, what an excellent weekend, you could go in a different pub/bar every five mins and still not see them all and during the day time you can check out the COOL as hell medieval architecture and museums etc. its by far the most romantic city ive...
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started another job today, i now do 13 hours a day in 2 towns. 9-12:30 i do my IT manager thang! get about 20/hour but they pay me when they feel like it, i started a agnecy warehouse job today 2-10Pm monday-thursday unless they need me friday then they will tell me on thursday night i get 5.80/hour + bonuses for that. Am knackered after...
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today was a good day, i passed my boss this mornin and reminded him i couldnt come in in the afternoons any more. he said there is nothing much i can do about that is there because im sub contracted, i said yeah there is take me on full time, he said come to my office take a seat and shut the door. Then he passed me a post-it pad and a pen and said how much you want, shocked i said can i make a brew think about it and get back to you. couple of mions later i came back with a figure (26.325K) he said will discuss with other directors and get back to me by friday, then i can quit the shitty warehouse job i have had for 2 days.

will post if i get taken on full time which would be way cool
omg, that is great. any word on the job? *thinking of you and wishing luck*
thats it ive had enough of her, im now single again and im staying this way for a while. She wantexd an argument on our way home froma friends house drunk at 3 in the morning, cant remember what i said but she slapped me for no reason so i told her to fuck off and left she wont remember anything cos she was wasted....
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does that mean you are back together? smile
yeah, even more than before. her gran died yesterday, she was 99 she would have been 100 in 3 weeks and six days. she seems to be hiding her feelings from everyone but her very close friends.

its my nephews christening tomorrow, i have to be at chruch for 11:30 practically the middle of the night for a sunday.
First off, notice its Girm13's birthday today, happy birthday fella

Today i did probably the most sensible thing i have done in a long time, i signed up with a angency to do part time work after my day job, as i only do 3 1/2 hours in the morning anyway, i thought i could add a couple of hundred quid a week on to...
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an explosion in my town centre, check it out Rochdale explosion

More news as i get it
Put a couple of new pics up, an old pic of me in work and some pics of a gig i went to, i was on the guest list at a gig in manchester town hall, a small gig featuring puressence headlining and a local band called change nothing support of which i knew the drummer.

Me and charlie where on the guest list, how...
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damn is that what i heard all the way over here??? wink
Well it finaly happened, im now a single fella...

We had a chat last night and she said she wanted a brake, if in the future i can sort out the reasons she thinks im just like a friend how doesnt sleep in the spare room i can give her a call then we can get together again.

These are the things i have to...
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hope things work out well, you seem to be a sweetie and you deserve happy things smile
HA.....that would be very cool. i am sure they must have them somewhere biggrin
how true is this,

no women=>no men

I think this is funny smile