I had my final evaluation for my graduate program yesterday, and I got the highest score possible!

That's amazing! Great job!! :D
@raye thanks, it was a lot of hard work

I've been good this year, so all I want for Christmas is boob pictures from my friends, maybe a back rub, and good jokes.

Back rubs, hell ya! I'll do yours if you'll  do mine 😏
Of course, we don't even need to limit it to backs 😉

This Halloween I plan on going as Hastur, The King in Yellow. I recomend that everyone read Robert Chambers' book of the same name which breaths life into this terrifying figure, or one of Ambrose Beirce's short stories. They are all well worth your time, esp. If you are a fan of Lovecraft.

This is a painting of the King I did a few days
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Yesterday i was asked if i was a tit or ass man. Now answer me this, why am I only limited to one body part to enjoy? and why is it only tits and asses? what if i really like forearms, like...REALLY like them. or necks, neck are really underrated. and why cant i be "I don't have a particular favorite, all women are different...
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Holy shit this movie was awesome. just go see it. its a really fun time. It is almost an homage to the suave spy thrillers of the sixties and seventies, and is almost self aware without actually winking at the audience. the three leads have such a good chemistry between them that the screen just leaks the extra charisma, and while the plot is fairly...
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Weird event happened recently. I was about to get laid. She was a women I met in college, we've known each other a few years and made out a couple times, but finally here we went, about to full on fuck. We make out, get semi naked in her bed and she asks if I can get her off, and seeing as I was going...
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This is so funny! She is really limiting her sexuality! What wierdo! 

It's been a bit of time since I said hello, but here I am. Safe and sound. The summer has been very busy. Work had me start a pulp fiction literary magazine for the bar, which has consumed much of my suicide girls time. Helping my best friend get ready for med school and moving her to Vermont, which is very bittersweet. I have no
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This is my first blog in a long while, and I apologize to all my wonderful friends on here for depriving you of me. My life got very hectic for a while, school and work, and this is just a few minute window i have to update you all on my coming and goings, if you would like.

People need to stop acting so entitled....
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My favorite game of all time would have to be Fallout 3. The immersion, the story, the characters, everything just worked. even if it is buggy t is still amazing. if you havnt played it, do it. if you have, how right am i?